Zessa, Nouis, & Shrines

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Tessa’s POV

“Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!” Someone screamed as they bounced on the bed, waking me.

“Go away,” I muttered into the pillow, still too tired to do anything about whichever monkey was jumping on the bed this time.

“Come on! You gotta get up! I haven’t seen my best friend in over twenty four hours!” So Niall was the misfit disturbing my sleep. I rolled over onto my side and checked the time; it was six in the evening.

“It is six in the evening and I was enjoying a peaceful slumber, but now I am up and unhappy.” I grouched, “Shut up.” 

Niall looked at me with his adorable puppy dog face. “Aww, you are just too cute.” He poked my nose, so I reached out to bite it. “Bad girl.” He tapped my head in a corrective manner.

I scrunched up my nose at him. “Why are you here?”

He feigned an expression of hurt. “Does milady not want her best friend of five days to be with her?”

“Not if he doesn’t let her sleep in.” I retorted.

“Someone is a little grumpy after getting woken from their nap.” He teased. I slapped a pillow across my face, momentarily forgetting about my head wound.

I grimaced in pain and called out “Go away!” but my words were muffled by the pillow.

“Nope. It’s best friend time.” He pulled away the pillow. I saw him smile mischievously and briefly wondered what he was up to when the blanked was suddenly yanked from my grasp, exposing my body to the cool air.

“It’s too cold!” I moaned and reached for the blanket. He tantalizingly pulled the blanket farther from me when I got close to it.

“Tut tut! You have to get up sleepyhead. We have less than three hours until your date.” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down.

“I think I would know. That’s why I was planning on sleeping for another hour.” I glared at him.

“We have done something together every day except for today. We can’t break tradition!” He pouted and jutted out his bottom lip in a cute, childish way. Without a doubt, he looked adorable.

“Fine. You have two hours.” I said, reluctantly sitting up. I was so tired, but I owed it to Niall; he did take complete care of me whilst I was sick. I was still in sweatpants and a tee-shirt, so I deemed myself worthy of going to do whatever Niall wanted to do. Then, a thought came to me. “Wait. First of all, I don’t have a date. A friend of mine is just coming over, so we can catch up and stuff.”

He snorted. “Yeah and Sailor is just my friend.” He had to bring up that she-devil.

A dark look crossed my face as I chose to ignore that last remark. “Second, how did you know about that?”

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