Bradford Bad Boi

14 2 0

Tessa’s POV

I woke up to the smell of chocolate chip pancakes. Was my mother actually making them? I had been begging her to make them for weeks! I rushed out of my bed, even though I was still in my pyjamas. They weren’t that bad, just a white tank top and black spandex. Plus, it’s just my family.

When I got downstairs to the kitchen, someone wolf-whistled. I was surprised to find a lot of lads eating my chocolate chip pancakes. I suddenly remembered that it was Wednesday, and the football team breakfast is always held on Wednesday. This week we were holding it, and I completely forgot about it. I felt really awkward and embarrassed, just the usual. I looked around for a familiar face that wasn’t giving me death glares or leering looks. Near the end of the table, my gaze settled on Niall. He conveniently had an open spot next to him.

I quickly grabbed two pancakes and made my way to sit next to him. Everyone’s eyes finally stopped watching me, and they all went back to eating and talking (at the same time, gross!) and doing whatever it is that boys do. My mother was still near the stove making dozens of pancakes, but she had headphones in to ignore the noise from the team.

Niall leaned down to talk to me so he could be heard over the boisterous team making a racket. “Nice pyjamas.” He commented with a quick wink.

“Shut up!” I shoved him.

He put his hands up in surrender. “Just saying what everyone is thinking.” I just glared at him and went back to enjoying my pancakes as best I could in a room bursting with testosterone-filled males.

I noticed Jesse glaring at me. “Sorry,” I mouthed to him. “I forgot.” He just narrowed his eyes and went back to talking to whoever was trying to get his attention. I looked around for Louis just to make sure he wasn’t upset with me, too. I caught his eye and looked at him questioningly. He smiled and nodded. Then, he went back to speaking with his friends. I was glad at least one of my triplets wasn’t mad at me.

I looked down at my plate and noticed I had only a half of a pancake left. It made me sad. I looked over at Niall’s plate, and he had four left. When he noticed my staring, his eyes widened. “No. No way in Hell.” He told me and shook his head to emphasize his point.

“Please?” I gave him my puppy-dog eyes. He shook his head but hesitated at first. “Pwetty pwease?” I changed my lettering to sound more like a little kid. I nuzzled his shoulder with my head, then I pressed my lips to it, knowing he would get uncomfortable.

When he tensed, I knew I had won. “Fine.” He sighed.

“Yay!” I clapped my hands together once the single pancake was placed on my plate.

Immediately, the entire room got quiet and stared. Almost as instantaneously, the noise got really loud. Everyone started talking at once, and I only got a few bits.

“…Just happened…”

“…She’s hot…”

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