Chapter 1

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"Ok time for today lessons! Alnavii?! Are you here" a little yip came from thin air "here! Hehehe!" My fur appeared out of nowhere "stop showing off" said ma. I had finally mastered slimmering or at least gotten really good at it. "Today we will be practicing hunting. So pair up with someone!" I immediately pounced on my twin sister Collie. "Ok now one of you start at the west side and the other by the north, than find your partner if you are the one on the west, and run away and get to the den before the other if you are by the north." Said ma. "I call the north!" I yipped "ok fine Alnavii but no foxcraft!" Said Collie "fine!" I headed to the north side of the boundary's and waited. In a few minuets I heard the call and started running to the south side of the boundary's with a slight turn to the den, I knew Collie wouldn't come there. But I was wrong as soon as I turned towards the den, Collie jumped out of a bush, but I was quick enough to dodge her and made a beeline for the den. I dodged past trees, at every sniff, of my attacker, I quickly sideswiped, and she often landed in a bush, or a tree. But after a while, I noticed that she had, stoped chasing, me. I looked to the ground, and saw her laying, rubbing her head, I came over and licked her on the spot she had been rubbing. "did ya hit a tree to hard?" I asked, with sympathy. "Yeah" she said, and I saw a trickle of blood, coming down her forehead, I licked it up, and cared for her until she was able to stand up by her self. "We should head back to the den" I suggested, "Training is probably over by now," "yeah" she agreed. But the moment was short lived, because then I heard one of the most terrifying things I thought I would ever have to hear. I heard the call, of danger. This call indicated that there was trouble at the den. "Collie follow me" I quietly said to her "ok but be careful!" We came to the inner territory.  and saw the den surrounded by a skulk of foxes one look and I knew what who they were. They were the Taken.

Foxcraft: stone forest... part 1 (Under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now