Chapter 3

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We woke in the morning, to pigeons chirping, that gave me an idea. I tried karakking, I attempted to imitate one of them to get them to fly closer and catch one. It worked for a few moments, but I got to excited and messed up when one started to get close. I decided it would be a good time to leave and start to explore the graylands, for the more we moved, the longer it would take for the Taken to find us. I woke Collie and told her that we should go. We started wandering, but staying close to the shadows, to stay out of furrless sight. Every now and then, when we came to a spot where there wasn't a lot of furrless, we would search large black containers for food, and keep our strength. Here and there, I would have us stop to rest our legs, and to teach Collie all of the foxcraft I knew. She seemed to get good at a few that I wasn't, which was good, and it meant that we had each other for different situations. Though the feeling of calmness was short lived. After awhile of avoiding the furrless, we found one that we were warned to stay away from. They were mostly dressed in grey, and held a two fingered claw at the end of a pole, they also had nets, and various other tools, used for catching animals without strange ropes, or bands around their necks. A snatcher! We ran from him as fast as posible, but he must have been stronger, than other furrless, because he wasn't falling behind like I was expecting him to. I knew I wouldn't have time to slimmer, but I did try to karakk. But the stress had gotten to me, and when I tried to imitate a wolf coming from behind him, it just came out as a shrill barking sound over and over I tried, but I just couldn't muster the strength, or concentration to. So I decided to try and outmaneuver him. "See that crumbling furrless den Collie?" I asked her. She looked up and saw what I was referring to, "yes!" She yipped "ok good, go into it then climb out the spy hole to the side, and run the other way!" I instructed her. We got to the building, the furrless on our tails, we did a quick 360 turn, and leaped out the spy hole. While the furrless tried the turn, he slipped and crashed into the wall, and started, grunting and hooting back at us, as we disappeared into a nook between two, stone structures, but just Incase he followed us, I slimmered as quick as possible holding my breath painfully. We waited there for a couple minuets, to see if the coast was clear, and we made our way out back into the abandoned, furrless den, to sleep for the night. "That was terrifying!" Said Collie, shuttering. "Maybe we could find a way out of the graylands, and back to the den where, our family may be waiting for us!" She said with a little hope in her voice, but I quickly vetoed the choice, for the Taken always keep guards at the dens they raid, for a few days. Also we were already to far into the graylands to find our way out, so I caught some juicy mice, for us to munch on and regain some energy, for we would need it. Because tomorrow I was planning to go by the roofs of the graylands.

Foxcraft: stone forest... part 1 (Under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now