Chapter 7

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Collie was about to talk but I cut her off "we know who they are, but we don't know where they are" I said quickly. It wasn't a lie either. All we had heard were story's, from fa and ma, and sometimes greatma. Greatma didn't like to talk about it, because it always sent her into tears thinking about her old home, and her old lover. "I feel that you are lying! Tell us the truth or we will kill you where you stand!!" Collie stepped up before I could stop her "he is telling the truth, all we have heard is story's, most of which are probable not true!" "Yeah, why would you think that we, of all foxes, would now!" I said with a slight growl. "You didn't know?" The white fox said. I pondered this question for a moment, trying to figure out what she meant by you didn't know? She must have seen the confused look, because she pointed her head to the rocky ceiling and cackled, the rest of the foxes let out gekkers in delight, and amusement. Then she stoped, and motioned for the rest to stop. "Your ma and fa, used to be messengers for the Elders them selves!" She said in resentment then her voice dropped "your ma and fa, were disgraceful, enemy's to the Taken. And we need you to tell us where the Elders are, and then we don't need you. You both are just liability's. So we will kill you," I looked over to Collie who was silently chanting, I had to create a distraction so that she wouldn't notice my twin. "We won't help you! Even if we could, we wouldn't talk! We have none of the information you need!" She started to glare. But suddenly she looked up with a blank expression, and fell strait off the pedestal, there was a loud *crack!* but she still just lay there, not making a sound, not moving a muscle. I saw Collie stop chanting, and the white fox, gasped, and started to whine, and snarl. While the guard was confused at what had happened, I bit at his snout, and claws at his back, another guard, came at me and I slashed at his underbelly. Collie clawed at her guard until he stoped squirming. It was time to leave. We ran out the long hall of steam and stone, crossing to the entrance, at the end of cages, and furrless barriers, we went up a long steep pathway that led to the ground level, and two guards at our sides were taken down in sudden utter confusion. We ran away from the base of The Taken, and then we realized that we where still in the graylands, we found our way to the death river, manglers oddly less common, but there was not time to ponder this for we had to run as far away as possible.

Foxcraft: stone forest... part 1 (Under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now