Chapter 4

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I woke before dawn, so that I could catch some sleeping birds, for a good breakfast. At first light I woke up Collie, we ate and got off of the ground, onto the roofs of the graylands. We went though the entire morning with out trouble, Collie started complaining that she was hungry, but we had to keep going, so I had to tell her no, along the way I had her take the lessons I was giving yesterday. And when I sprained my ankle she was able to heal me with maa-sharm, but it took a lot of maa from her, and she wasn't able to heal it fully, so I ended up going the rest of the day with a slight limp to my walk. By the end of the day, I was to tiered to hunt for food, so Collie stepped up to try and hunt. In order to help her I guided her in slimmering, "What was seen is unseen; what was sensed is now senseless. What was bone is bending; what was fur is air" she chanted this several times, but her fur didn't even fade a whisker, "maybe that isn't you type of foxcraft, let me try" I closed my eyes, bringing all the maa, and energy I had. "What was seen is unseen; what was sensed is now senseless." Collies fur began to fade, but slowly it stoped fading "What was bone is bending; what was fur is air" I opened my eyes, then I realized that I was panting hard as a dog. Collie rushed to me, licking my nose as if she was trying to keep me awake, or as if I was dying. "I'm" *huff huff* "ok Collie, I'm really fine" I reassured her. "Fine your ok, but I think I'll hunt the old fashioned way, just crouch still and pounce," as she walked away, I was so tiered that I fell asleep, waking what felt a moment later, to slight nipping and licking. "Collie?" She gave a quick happy yip. I got up and my ankle was no longer in pain. "Want some breakfast? I caught two fat pigeons!" She, said, throwing them to my side. "Yes" I said, in a slightly weak voice. We scarfed down the pigeons, and we went on our way, across the roofs, but it seemed that trouble followed us into the graylands, because we suddenly herd gekkers, behind us and the clicks, were not friendly. I spun around, teeth barred, and I heard Collie whimper. I knew why as well, it was the skulk smelling, of singed fur. The Taken.

Foxcraft: stone forest... part 1 (Under rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now