In The Beginning

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Chapter Four


I'm deaf... I put my fingers in my ears and try to pop them. Nope... Nothing. I'm pretty sure I'm really deaf. It's worth it though. Just to see the band that has taken the L.A. rocker scene completely over. Now I know I'm only sixteen and my mom doesn't know I'm here but come on, it's Guns N Roses!

When the band leaves the stage finally I make my way backstage. Showing my pass to the security and they let me right in. I walk in the direction of the loud voices until I find a huge party going on in what looks to be a dressing room that got hit by a tornado. What did I get myself into?

" Honey? " A man asks coming up to me with a backstage pass that reads manager.

I nod with a smile. " Are you Alan? "

" That I am. I'm glad you could make it. Come and meet the guys. " He says leading me into the trashed dressing room. " Listen up fuckers there's a lady present. "

The grungy-looking men all stop what they were doing and looked focused on me.

" This is Honey Hendrix. " He introduces and almost every member turns to ook at me.

The lead singer, Axl leaves the girl he was undressing and comes up to me. " Yeah, they said you were coming tonight. How'd you like the show? "

I give him a look. " Well, let's see, two girls fought over you right next to me in the mosh pit... Some guy grabbed my ass while walking past, and I'm sure my eardrums have busted... It was great. " I say dropping the act.

Alan shakes his head and introduces me a second time to the rest of the band. " The blonde over there is Duff, this is Izzy. " He says slapping the back of a brunette's head. " The blonde with the sticks is Steven. And the guy with the bushy hair in the corner is Slash. "

They all say their hellos before going back to drinking like the rock stars they are. My eyes settle to the corner where the guitarist. Slash is sitting with his guitar surrounded by cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.

Going over I take a seat next to him on the floor. " You were amazing with that guitar tonight. "

He doesn't even indicate that he heard what I just said, he just keeps playing with his instrument." How did you get that sound for Welcome To The Jungle? "

His head perks up and he finally looks at me... I think. " Easy. " He says before setting his guitar in my lap.

His fingers came around me to position mine correctly. A cigarette was hanging from his bottom lip. The long ash hanging from it threatened to fall at any moment.

" Just put your fingers there, there, and there. " He says. The movement of his lips caused the ash to fall to the ground.

Slash took the thing from his lips and put it up to mine. I shook my head. " I don't smoke. "

He nodded and put it out on his boot. Unscrewing the cap off of a bottle he took a swig and offered it to me.

" No thanks, Mr. Slash I'm only sixteen. " I say giggling.

He laughed out loud as well which is the only reaction I got from him thus far. " Right on. Now use my pick to strum the strings."

I did as he told me and the most amazing sound came out of the speaker. " See? Easy. "

Present Time

He was a man of few words then and now. He has never been one to talk about how he's feeling... He shows it through his action and music. Which was fine by me. It meant that I didn't have to sit and wonder what the hell was wrong. If I felt him getting an attitude I would just leave the room.

This is why three days into his detox I'm holed up in the library reading The Color Purple for the millionth time. Slash is getting annoyed at every little thing I do or say. In my mind, I'm only helping though. In his, I'm just an annoying buzzing in his ear.

This was hours ago and the house has been quiet since. Looking up at the clock I rub my eyes. It's definitely time for bed. After doing my nightly routine I crawl into my bed which Slash has taken over.

The guest room has a full size bed and mine is a Califonia king so I knew he'd find his way in here eventually. Once I'm all the way in he scoots closer and reaches out for me. Making it easy for him I settle into his frail arms. I pray that the terrible nightmares that have plagued him the last two nights are over. Waking up in a pool of his sweat is not something I enjoy.

As I'm drifting off I feel his hands entangles in my hair. That's how I know he's tired. When he plays in my hair I know he's going to sleep like a rock. Smiling I fall asleep peacefully.


I wake up to the smell of coffee and bacon wafting through the house. It takes me a few minutes to realize that Slash is already up and apparently cooking. As far as I know, he can't cook. Getting out of bed I pad down to the kitchen and found Slash there looking more alert than ever.

" Good morning. " I say with relief that my kitchen is still intact.

He nods and sets a plate down for me at the table. " Thank you. I see you're in a better mood today. " I say drinking some orange juice.

" I feel better. " He says with a shrug.

I grin liking that. " Great. "

He looks like he wants to say something for a second Instead, he put his head down letting his curls fall in front of his face. Retreating back to himself as usual.

" Just say it Slash. " I urge with a sigh.

He shrugs before saying, " just let me know when you're ready for me to leave... "

" Leave? Why would I want you to leave? " I ask putting my hand on his arm.

His hand shoots out and grabs my wrist firmly. " Well, Xiu is coming home in the morning and you ignored me all day yesterday... I figure you don't need me around her. "

" Slash stop it! Xiu Xiu will be fine. As long as you keep your promise that is. And yesterday you seemed like you wanted to be alone. " I say simply.

With his thumbs rubbing circles on my wrist he says, " you know I wasn't really mad at you. "

" I know... I just wanted to give you space to work it out. " I say enjoying his simple touch.

A small smile graces his lips. " I did... So I can stay? "

" Of course Slash. What kind of person do you think I am? You came for my help and that's what you're gonna get. " I promise without hesitation. 

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