His Old Lady

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Chapter Seven

July 17th, 1999

Honey's POV

It's a proud day for me. Here I sit with Slash next to me watching my baby earn her yellow belt in karate. All of the kids in her class have worked so hard for this day to come and every single one in her age group is progressing to the next level.

After Xius's sensei ties the yellow belt around her Gi she bows to him and gets back in line. Her best friend in the class, Magie, is up next. Her mother nudges me as she records everything.

" I'll make a copy for you. " She tells me.

I nod politely. She always makes me copies since she's a professional videographer. " Thanks, Sharon. "

When the sensei dismisses the class Xiu comes running to us. " Did you see mommy? "

" Of course I did baby. I'm so proud of you, and I know your father and grandfather would be as well. " I say pulling her into a hug.

Her face falls. " I wish they were here. "

" I know me, too baby... But they were here in spirit. Plus you have me, and Slash. " I remind her.

She smiles big up at Slash. " Thank you for coming to see me, Slash. "

He gets down to her level and embraces her. " Anytime little warrior. "

" Can we get ice cream? " She asks adorably.

Slash laughs and looks to me for approval. " Of course sweetie, after we eat dinner though. "

" Good I'm starved. Come on, I'll take you two out tonight. We do have something to celebrate after all. " He says picking Xiu up and twirling her around.


July 30th, 1999

" I need a favor. " Slash says from the doorway of the library.

I look up from my book in question. " Okay... "

He comes and sits next to me on the sofa. Putting my legs in his lap he takes my socks off and begins rubbing my feet. I assume to butter me up for whatever he wants. " I'm just a guitarist, and the guys are just a band. I was wondering if maybe you could pull some strings and help me get a tour together. "

It takes me a second to understand what he's talking about. " You mean like a manager? "

" Well... Yeah. I guess that's what I mean. " He says hitting one of my pressure points.

Moaning I pull my feet back and climb into his lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck I sigh knowing damned well I can't say no. " If I do this, it's just a temporary thing. I can't be your manager full time and be your- whatever too. "

Slash grins up at me. We haven't had " the talk " yet and this is my attempt to clear the air. " So you want to be my old lady? Is that it? "

" It's not like you're going to find someone better. " I say relaxing fully thanks to his rubbing hands. They're now massaging my lower back and kneading where I carry my anxiety.

His lips meet mine briefly before he pulls away. " I can deal with a temporary manager if that means having a full-time girlfriend. "

Woah. The " G " word. He's serious. Heat fills my cheeks and all of a sudden I'm seventeen years old again. Except he has been taking good care of himself and as far as I know, he hasn't taken any drugs. If anything he is more addicted to ravishing me than going off to find drugs. I'm not complaining, if he wants to work out any frustrations he may have on my body...  I'm here for it. 

Twin GuitarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon