Take Care Of Him

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ANoteFromLifeIsAParade: Hey guys! I told you I'd be back with a chapter tonight. IDK about y'all, but mouth pain is the WORST! I'm better now and even though this is a filler, I hope you like it. 

Chapter Three

Slash is back in bed and I'm currently sitting next to him to keep watch. The phone rings loudly and I scramble to get to it before he wakes up.

This better not be her again I swear. I talked to my mom early this morning. She didn't like hearing that Slash is staying with me. To be honest, she has never been a fan of his in my life. I tried to explain that he just needs help getting clean it's not that big of a deal.

She thinks that I'm just going to let him back in... Even going as far to bring Xiu Xiu into it. Like I don't know that if that happens it won't be just me he would hurt. I really don't need her brand of negativity. I love her to death but at twenty-six, I'm tired of her butting into my life.

" Hello? " I say putting the receiver up to my ear.

Honey? It's Ola.

" Miss Ola, hi! " I say with a huge smile.

Hi sweetie, sorry to bother you but have you heard from my son? No one can find him. The last time he was seen he was off his shit... I'm worried Honey. "

I love Slash's mom. She is the reason I look so good on the red carpet. It didn't matter that things didn't work out with me and him, miss Ola has always been like a second mom. 

" He isn't in a ditch dead somewhere Miss Ola... He's here with me. " I tell her to quell her worries.

Really? Thank God! When did he get there?

" The night before last. He woke me up out of my sleep looking dreadful. I had to shower and clothe him, but he's okay for the moment. I'll look after him through the withdrawals and do what I can... He seems lucid enough though. " I say stretching my tired body with a groan. " He's asleep right now. " 

Have him call me as soon as he wakes up, Honey. And thank you, if anyone can get through to him I know it's you. 

" I sure hope so Miss Ola. I can't handle losing him " I say voice cracking a bit.

Don't think like that Honey. I know my son and you've always had his ear. He needs you.

" How do you know he needs me? " I ask sadly.

He came to you for a reason. You know I'm not one to bad-mouth my ex-daughter-in-law... But I've always thought he didn't think before he married Rene. You just couldn't handle his wild lifestyle and she could. He has to have had a moment of clarity if he's there with you. There's a reason he saw you through everything else.

I mean, he did say he saw me in flashes of memories. Maybe she's right. 

" Slash needs to work on himself before thinking about me. But trust me I'll do my best to keep him in check.  " I tell her truthfully.

Just think about it, Honey. I'll let you go now.

" Okay, Miss. Ola, I'll have him call you. " I say hanging up.

Going back to the guest room I find it empty. The bathroom too. Where is he? 

" Slash? " I call out.

My bedroom door is cracked open so I hurry in to find nothing. But I do hear the water running in my private bathroom.

" Slash? " I call again before trying to open the door.

He doesn't answer so I knock. " Slash open the door. "

Still nothing. Fear grips my heart as I begin beating on the door. " Slash damn it! Open the fucking door! " I yell as tears run down my cheeks and fear overtakes my body.

Suddenly the door opens and I fall into his body. He steadies me and I look up to see him with a toothbrush hanging from his mouth. I put my hand over my heart before bawling my eyes out.

" Shit. " He says going to spit on the sink. Wiping his mouth he pulls me into his arms. " It's okay Honey. "

I shake in his arms. " You scared the shit out of me. Don't lock the door again okay? "

" Okay I promise, I'm sorry. " He whispers in my ear while rubbing my back.

Pulling away I wipe at my face. " You have to stop this Slash. " I say seriously. " Do you have any idea what it would have done to me if you were dead on the other side of that door? "

" Fuck I'm so stupid. I'm really fucked up. " He says rubbing his face. 

Shaking my head I say, " you can't do this anymore. Do you want to die Slash? " 

" I don't know. I don't know why I'm like this. I just want to be in control of my life again. " He stammers. 

I finally wrap my arms around him. " You can't keep doing this to yourself. Your body is going to give out on you. You only get one you know? " 

" I thought you hated me all these years. " He whispers while burying his face in my hair. 

I pull away to glare up at him. " You knew how I felt. I just couldn't watch you kill yourself like my mom watched my dad.  " 

He pulls me back into his arms and looks into my eyes through his mass of hair. " I'm sorry. You deserved better but I was more messed up than I am now. You know that. I've been living a shell of a life. I just need a real person that cares about me... Saul, not Slash. I can't be Slash and get better at the same time. "

" Slash is who you are. Rock bottom sucks but Slash can crawl back up and be twice as good as he's ever been. But you have to want it. " I tell him truthfully.

His lips descend onto mine and everything I told my mother flies out of the window.


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