The Snake Pit

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Chapter Five

March 5th, 1999

" Will you pass me the wine babe? " Slash asks as we eat our dinner.

I hand it to him and side glance while simultaneously kicking his shin. I glance at Xiu to let him get the message.

Things have been going great in the month that Slash showed up at my doorstep... But I'm not ready for my daughter to know anything about what's going on between us. Not yet at least.

We're really starting to get into a groove. Every morning he makes us breakfast, and every night I make us dinner. Afterward, the three of us take a long walk through our gated community.

It's spent mostly in silence of course. He is never one for words, just action, and riffs. Xiu has always been the quiet type as well so they get along great.

Sometimes he plays his acoustic after I put her to bed. He lays back on the bed and lets me run my fingers through his hair. Just like old times...

" So I have news... " He says bringing me out of my thoughts.

Xui and I look at him in question.

" I'm getting Slash's Snake Pit back together. " He says smiling. " Do you mind if we use the studio? "

It takes a few moments before I can think straight. " Are you kidding me? Do what you need to do I'm so excited! "

I get up and bend over to wrap my arms around him quickly before remembering who is in the room. Sitting back down I chastise myself. Still, this is great news. I can tell he is getting antsy.

He smiles before speaking. " I want a whole new lineup. I have to do something before I go completely stir-crazy. "

" Will you teach me guitar? " Xiu asks sweetly, batting her long eyelashes.

Slash laughs. " Of course little rocker. As soon as your hands are big enough. "

It is too adorable to see them have a moment. " Well, I think it will be good for you. Focus on your music and getting better. " I say rubbing my foot up and down his leg.

A small smile plays on his lips. " There's something else I'd like to focus on... "

A little jolt goes through my body. Kicking him again I have to hide my dirty smile behind my hand. I can't believe he said that.


After the dishes are done Slash corners me in the kitchen while Xiu is putting her pajamas on. His lips connect to mine roughly and his tongue massages against mine.

" MMM, " I moan into his mouth.

My fingers bury themselves in his hair as I deepen the kiss.

" Fuck babe. How do you do this to me? " He whispers resting his forehead on mine.

I giggle. " I don't know. But I like it. "

" ... Me too. " He says after a few moments. " I'm not gonna fuck it up this time. I promise. "

I smile up at him. " I thought you don't make promises? "

" No, I don't make promises I can't keep. This one I can. " He says with finality.

I put my hands up. " Well excuse me! "


Disclaimer: Sexual Content

Two Weeks Later

I'm just getting in bed for the night when I hear the guys coming up the stairs. Yes, I've lumped them all together as " the guys ". Looking at the clock it reads eleven-thirty. That's odd, they haven't had an early night in over a week.

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