A Visit From Applehead

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When we fall deep into the great unknown

Thrown into this world alone

Do we wait for someone to save us?

We don't believe the truth until it's known

We're all in this world alone

In the end, where will it take us?

Slash's Snakepit: What Kind Of Life Is That

Chapter Six

" Honey an all-black car just pulled in the driveway. " Don, my assistant calls from the living room.

I jog down the stairs and look out the window. The windows on the car are tinted and I only know one person that has them... Michael.

Running to the door I snatch it open. " Michael! Xiu come see who's here! " I call up the stairs.

He has both babies with him and my heart melts. " Prince! Paris! You brought my babies! "

" I sure did. " He says as I lift Paris up from her car seat.

The little baby girl looks up at me in wonder. " Hey, baby girl! Paris Michael Bianca Janet Katherine Jackson. " I say in a baby tone.

" Uncle Doo Doo! " Xiu calls out excitedly as she comes running out of the house. 

She wraps her arms around his legs and giggles. " I missed you uncle Doo Doo. " 

" Ho-nee! " Prince babbles trying to get my attention.

Getting a good hold on Paris I get a little closer to Prince Michael's level. " Princey! Let's go inside. I wasn't expecting anyone else so excuse the mess. "

" Anyone else? You mean Slash right? " He asks as we settle in the living room.

Of course, Bianca told him. She never misses a chance to tell her father my business. I still love her though. " And the rest of Slash's Snake Pit. They're recording their sophomore album " I say going half into the foyer. " Hey, Don? Will you bring in two cups of coffee and some juice for the children, please? "

" Sure thing! " He calls back.

I smile and turn back to my guests. " So what brings the Jackson clan to my humble abode? "

Michael looks like he wants to throttle me. " Seriously? We miss you of course! "

" I know... I'm sorry. " I say sitting next to him and taking Paris in my arms. " I never meant to skip Bibi's birthday party but things have been hectic around here. "

Which is true. I was so excited to celebrate her twenty-fourth, but then Slash showed up and... Looking toward the studio I sighed and look back at Michael. 

Maybe this is a good time to talk to him seriously. " Can I tell you something? Something serious? "

He nodded. " Of course, you can Honey. "

" I really don't know why I've confined us away for so long... Something in my gut told me to stay right where I was... Here. I didn't understand it. That is until Slash showed up on my doorstep in such bad shape. I think you were right... " I say glancing at Xiu.

" Maybe God is trying to intervene in his life by bringing him here to me. " I whisper pointing in the direction of the studio.

Michael smirks knowingly at me. " I told you. You two will be married by next spring I guarantee it. " 

Slapping his arm I say, " I talked to Bibi which you already know. She's buckled down composing and starring in the Little Mermaid sequel right? " 

He nods with a smile. " She's so excited. Ariel is one of her favorite roles. Disney has such faith in her and she's really in her zone. I can't even begin to express how proud I am. "

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