chapter 8

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                               " The globe is magical"Said the king. "May i go to my room"demanded Smith."You may go"said King Masion. King Masion was standing , staring at the ground. "Send Belion to me at wonce"demanded the king.

                              The dungon door opened, a guard came in and spoke to the other guard."They found princess Bella killed or comited suicide". "Whats going on around the royal family, this is wierd"said one of them. "Oh my god"said Megan." Theirs something suspesious going on"said Max.

                   The Funeral was held for the Queen and Princess. It was the worst week, the Kingdom ever been threw."I just dont know what to do"said Jonathan." I'm afraid that your the  one who needs to take over the thrown"said Jane Robert..

 The ceramony was held the day of the funeral. Everyone was wearing black."I pronounce Prince Jonathan, King of Octavia"said Commander Stefon. No one cheered , they bowed.The queen and princess are dead, Princess Marabeth is still missing, and you never know what can happen next!"said Jane Robert to King Jonathan. "So, what will be your first act as king?"asked Count Betas. King Jonathan looked at him, and said" To kill all the prisoners, that Jameson man put in the dungon". "Some of them are inocent"said Jane."It doesn't matter, whos inocent or not, i am the king, and i decide who dies or not"he said.

         Belion came infront of the king. "May i help you"he said. "Belion, i always though of you not just my server, but a friend"said Masion. "Do you really think, i should tell Smith and Marabeth the news?"said Masion." I believe what your heart desires"said Belion.King Masion gave him a smile and said" I guess your right"

                   The dungon door opens, and Four guards comes out of it. Max and Megan gets up. " Are you freeing us?"said Max. "Who said anything about, freeing you"said one of them. They opened the locks and grabbed Max and Megan.Max stared to beat them up. "Megan, g noww!"yelled Max. "No, i can't leave you!"yelled Megan."Go now, i'll be okay"yelled Max. Megan sneaked out of the dungon."i will find that door, i will"she said.


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