One ; Perrie

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NOTE TO READERS ; in this current part of the story , Perrie is not with Zayn . (: Thanks . -A .x.x.

"Good God, Jade!" I slapped her shoulder as we sat, squashed together on the white plush couch in front of the Good Morning America cameras. Jade had just cracked a joke. Jesy started cackling while Leigh Anne choked on her water and laughed.

 Jade grinned proudly. "I'm pretty funny, ya know," she said to Robin Roberts, who was interviewing us. I was barely paying attention to whatever Jade continued to say. I was too busy watching her red lips cut out the words she'd just said like a cookie-cutter slices dough.

I loved Jade.

Not as a sister, like I loved the other girls. Jade was somehting else. Her small, tan figure with her new caramel colored hair and freshly applied red lipstick bent perfectly next to my pale, porcelain colored one. Every time her brown-sugar colored eyes blinked, my crystal-y sapphire ones would seem dull. They were nothing compared to hers.

Of course, I had no one to tell this to.

Since our management had already told us from the start how things were meant to be, bringing up my not-so new-found love would not be a wise choice. They'd never approve.


She'd never love me back.

"We're just so excited that the next single is coming up," Leigh-Anne jabbered on as I came out of my daze.

"Can we get a hint?" Robin pressed.

"Com--" Jade began.

"JADE!!" we all yelled.

"Don't tell her!" Jesy said.

"Oooh, I heard 'com'. What song starts with 'com'?" Robin asked.

"Fantastic job, Poopy," I teased, letting a smirk glide onto my face.

"I'm sowwy," Jade whimpered.

"We're doing the video shoot tomorrow," Jesy said. "I'm pumped."

"That's right," I added, pulling my knees up to my chest.

"Before we go, what's one thing you're each seeking this year?" asked Robin, her eyes filled with fake spirit.

"Uhhmm..." Jade hummed, crossing her eyes, "love. I want love."

Me too, Jade.

"I want another year with Jordan," Leigh giggled.

"I know I've said this before but I want... a baby," Jesy said in a Scottish accent.

"No! You can't have a baby, I'm your baby! A baby can't have a baby!" I protested.

Leigh and Jade proceeded to laugh while Jesy rocked me and (once again, just like everytime we brought this up) sang, "I'm your baby toniiiiiiiiight."

"That's all the time we have, folks!" Robin cried to a camera and the crowd behind it. Cheers erupted as we signed off. Then, we headed out into the sea of fans.

"Perrie, I love you!!"

"Leigh! I love Leigh!"


"JAADEE! We LOVE you!"

All I could see was flash! Flash! Flash! of camera lights. Management wants me to be the "lead girl" in the group, and it's quite annoying. That's not how Little Mix rolls.

I was suddenly tripped. I never found out if it was on purpose or an innocent act by a random fan. It felt like forever until my head hit the ground, but it all took a matter of seconds.

It is not a good thing to fall in the hot summer in the middle of a crowd.

Especially if you're famous.

Everything began to spin. Black spots started to meet up in the middle of my vision, whispering secrets and rumors about me that I couldn't hear.

The last thing I remembered was Jade.

She'd bent down, draped her parker over my shoulders, taken my arm over her shoulder and quided me to the car. I lay in the backseat with her, and I thought about how I'd never answered Robin. What did I want this year?

Jade Thirlwall.

Then the world disappeared.

Hey guuuyss . So I haven't been here for a while, sorry.. buuut.. I'm baack ! With a Jerrie fanfic . I just have a problem with finishing stories. Enjoy this chapter (: <33 soo byee boos


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