Thank Youuuuu!

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Hello ! So I thought I'd bring up the fact I have 21. something reads on this damn story and I'm so grateful ! Grateful for you readers, especially the ones and comment and vote. It just shows me that my writing isn't complete and utter shit.

Also. I'm here for any and every one. I'm not just SorryImAlyssa from Wattpad but I'm a fricken emotional teenage girl. I gotchu boo boo. Having boy problems? I'm here for yaScrewed up family ? Me too, bruh . I have been almost everywhere mentally and emotionally so if you ever need a set of ears to listen, slide into my DMs (or my messages I guess?) and tell me what's going on. I love you. (:

Yeah. I promise I'll update soon, I've been awfully busy lately with school and trying to get all my shit together before winter break. It's stressful, yeah . I've got an F in maths still so whoopssss. I have to get it up by break so I'm workin my arse off to lift it up. Sorry I type weird . I have a Geordie accent in my head but I'm American and Asian mixed so idfk why I think I'm British. I think I listen to Perrie talk too much tbfh. #sorrynotsorry But does anyone else do that ? I talk like Jade to my mum and she glares at me and says "Talk normal or ima slap you."


My mummy luvs meh.


Anyway, hope everyone's having a great week and I love you! Thanks again for all these reads and I can never repay you!

~Alysssssuuhhh (⌒▽⌒)

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