pt 8

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After watching the Island of O'uha quickly approach through the window seat, Belldandy and Keiichi shook the sleep from their eyes.

After the jumbo jet finally arrived at the terminal, they happy couple acquired their carry-on bags from the overhead compartment, and departed the aircraft once the door was opened. they then wandered the long concourse to reclaim their luggage. After waiting for what seemed like forever, their baggage was finally spotted by Keiichi.

After hailing the complimentary Shuttle Van - sent by their hotel, they marveled at the beautiful ocean-side view from their comfortable seats. Even though they were both suffering from jet-lag; due to traveling through several time zones plus the International Dateline, it was around 12:45 PM - the very same day as their wedding, October 22!

Bell and Keii were more than excited once the hotel came into view shortly after their long ride from the airport: the Hilton Hawaiian Village and Resort at the world-famous Waikiki Beach in O'hua.

After thanking the driver and retrieving their luggage once again, they lumbered toward the front automatic doorway of the massive Hotel. It was more extravagant than they had expected, all thanks to Urd making who had made reservations months in advance.

The stretch of beach right in front of the Resort is known as "Duke Kahanamoku" Beach and is the widest stretch of the legendary Waikiki Beach. Named after Hawaii's Ambassador of Aloha Duke Paoa Kahanamoku, the beach is the perfect setting for a relaxing day on the beach.

The resort also had several pools, saunas and other water-themed activities available for Bell and Keii. They also had access to the Resorts 6 restaurants and a few Bars, for a night of dining and dancing if they chose to do so.

"Wow, Belldandy..", Keiichi exclaimed, "...Urd really surprised me. I had no idea she put this much effort into this!"

Belldandy smiled as she enthusiastically responded. "Yes, Keiichi - I am surprised as well. We will have to thank her properly once we return home!", she bubbly responded.

After checking in at the front desk (with translation help from Belldandy) and securing their room keys, they finally found their hotel suite. After opening the door, Keiichi carried Belldandy across the threshold, as she just giggled in delight, hugging him as she planted small kisses all over his face.

Of course this didn't help Keiichi one bit, as he promptly ran into the king-sized bed, quickly plopping Bell down on it, and falling on top of her!

"Hahahahaha...Hehehehehee!", she laughed at the suddenly funny situation. "Are you okay, Belldandy?", he lovingly asked as she was still tickled pink, and laughing vicariously.

" love..oh my goodness...that was too funny.", she myrthily replied, as she just smiled that wonderful smile he fell deeply in love with.

"Belldandy...", he barley said, as he slowly laid on top of her. In turn she gently closed the distance between them, hugging him with all her might in turn - pulling him closer to her heart.

"Thank you, my love. You've made the happiest Goddess in the entire universe. I am so madly in love with you, my handsome husband.", she whispered into his right ear.

"And thank you, my beautiful wife. You too have made me happier than I ever thought possible. Words are inadequate for how much I love you, Bell.", he softly whispered in return.

Their heartbeats were in perfect sync.

They continued to remain that way for quite sometime, and eventually dozed off, happy as they could ever be.

Around 3PM, Belldandy finally awoke, and proceeded to gently leave the king-sized bed, as not to disturb her sleepy hubby. She then quietly wandered over to the window - and opened the curtains - which provided a spectacular view of the beautiful beach-front.

Once the daylight creeped into Keiichi's slumber, he too woke up and slowly approached Belldandy, who was still admiring the lovely panorama. He hugged her from behind and kissed her right ear. She moaned happily as she leaned into his embrace.

"It's a beautiful view, isn't it, Keiichi?"
"Not as beautiful as you, Belldandy."
"You always know what to say, don't you?"
"And I always mean every word I say, Bell."

"Did you get enough rest, my love?"
"For now, yes thanks. And you, Bell?"
"I'm too excited to rest any longer, Keiichi."
"Is that so? What did you have in mind?"

"Could we go down to the beach for a while? It's such a lovely afternoon, and I'd love to go into the ocean with you my love. Plus I have a new bathing suit I'm sure you'll like, once you see it..."
"Sure, Bell. That sounds like fun. Why don't we get changed, then head down there together?"

"Thank you my love. But would it be alright if I met you down there in a few minutes? I'd like for my new bathing suit to be a surprise for you."
"Sure, Bell - that's fine. So it's a surprise, then? How could I say no to that, Belldandy?"
"Thank you, Keiichi. I'll meet you shortly after you reserve a spot for us on the beach."

Roughly 15 minutes later, after Keiichi changed into his navy blue swim trunks, he found a great spot on the Resort's Private beach. After reserving 2 lounge chairs and a jumbo-sized beach umbrella, Keiichi laid down on one of them, and placed their beach accessories at the foot. The ocean breeze was quite refreshing, he commented to himself.

"Keiichi! Hello my love!", he heard behind him a few minutes later.
He couldn't believe that Bell would be sporting such a revealing bikini, which she had called a swimsuit, so much unlike the sky blue one she had worn to the indoor pool last summer.

He suddenly suffered an instant nosebleed from seeing Belldandy in her new bikini, which was cobalt blue with a metallic gold sawtooth design, which remineded him of her very much so of her blue and golden Goddess robe.

"Oh my! Keiichi! Are you alright?!", Belldandy exclaimed as she quickly bounced his way. She then grabbed a tissue from the beach bag. "Tanks, Beddandy.", he answered as he plugged up his nose in a flustered attempt to stop the blood from gushing out all over the white sandy beach.

After a few minutes, his the flood of blood finally ceased. "Keiichi, you okay now? I was worried sick when you started to have a nosebleed. Does my attire have that much of an effect on you?", she meekly asked.

After removing the tissue and disposing of it in a refuse bin, he finally answered. "I'm fine, now Bell...I didn't mean to make you worry, but I do appreciate your concern though. Your bikini becoming. What I want to say is, you look very attractive in it. I never thought that you'd actually wear such a revealing bathing suit. But, I'm actually very, very happy...", he cheerfully admitted, while rubbing the back of his head, just like he always has.

"Oh, thank goodness. I wasn't sure if you'd approve of my beach attire, but hearing you admit that, makes me very happy, my dear Keiichi.", Belldandy softly answered. "So Bell, why don't we go into the water, now that you're here? It looks quite calm and refreshing",Keiichi calmly asked his beautiful bride, who was blushing a bit. "Yes, that sounds like fun!", Belldandy shyly replied; and with that, they headed into the ocean, hand in hand.

After strolling along the seashore for around 2 hours hand-in-hand, they unanimously decided to head back to the resort after gathering their beach bag - ( seeing as they were famished ) and headed to one of the Resort's many restaurants. However, when they finally found a restaurant to their liking, the young couple were somewhat overwhelmed at the amount of food available on the menu.

After asking the waitress what she recommended, she told Bell and Keii they were offering an all-you-can-eat buffet. "Well, that solves one of our problems!", Keiichi joked as they headed to the buffet, grabbing a couple of plates along the way. The buffet itself was easily over 50 feet long. So they each chose food to their liking.

Keiichi chose fresh grilled ma-hi-mahi, a side of steamed mixed vegetables, as well as a cup of green tea. Bell chose a simple salad with raspberry vinaigrette dressing plus a side of fresh pineapple, melon and strawberries, as well as a cup of green tea.

After sampling other local cuisine from the buffet, they decided to head back to their suite, as it was already well past 7PM. They wanted more than anything to spend a romantic night together as husband and wife.

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