Part 2

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The clock on his desk read 7:21 AM. It was Monday morning. Keiichi's thoughts played back in his mind. Every event from yesterday was a mild blur. He still could not accept the fact that Belldandy said yes. She was now more than just his Goddess, let alone his girlfriend. No, she was now his fiance'. A mild blush grew across his cheeks. Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. Belldandy was going to break the 'good news' to her younger sister Skuld today. He rapidly sprang up from his futon, sending his blanket flying across the room at supersonic speed. 'I need to talk to Belldandy, now.' he thought to himself, unsure if she was awake yet. He glanced sideways at the clock again, to double check the time. 7:25 AM it glared back at him with its bright red face. 'Maybe I'll wait a bit...' he thought to himself. ''s too early, and she had an emotion-filled day...' he continued, as if no one was listening to the thoughts in his head. Well, Belldandy has been known to read his emotions and thoughts from time to time.

He decided he would wait a while, seeing as he had no classes today, and he was off from work at Whirlwind. But he knew he had to talk to her as soon as humanly possible. He plopped back down into his futon after retrieving his blanket from the other side of his bedroom, where it landed. His mind was too active to get any more slumber. He was a nervous wreck, just imagining what kind of device Skuld would use against him, knowing that he and Belldandy were now engaged to be married. He quietly calmed himself down by remembering how affectionate Belldandy was yesterday. In the hallway by the front door. In the bathtub. The way her pure white silky skin felt against his own. Her ample breasts on his back. He started to get aroused again. He shut his brain off from anymore memories and turned over. A massive smile parted his lips. He snored. He was content knowing that he and Belldandy would spend the rest of their lives together. Life was going well, or so he thought, as he drifted back to sleep.

9:41 AM. Keiichi sprang out of bed. 'Crap' he screamed to himself. 'I over slept!' Knowing now that Belldandy was up, as he heard chit-chat creeping down the hallway from the living room. It was too late, he thought. He crawled out of his room and into the area he heard all the commotion originate from. He saw Belldandy, grinning from ear to ear. Urd was silently watching her show on the TV in the corner, with a glass of sake in one hand. Then he saw her younger sister, Skuld, sulking in the opposite corner, surrounded by a dark aura. His skin crawled when she shot him a quick devious look from across the room. "Good morning, Keiichi." said Belldandy, as she tried to brighten the mood. "Uhhh...good morning, Belldandy." She knew that Keiichi felt uneasy being in the same room as the perturbed sister in the corner. "Keiichi, would you like some breakfast and tea?" she chirped, trying to divert his attention towards her sunny disposition. "Sure, Bell. That sounds great. I'm starving.", he half-heartily replied as he hastily followed her into the kitchen.

He pulled her aside as soon as they were out of range. "Belldandy. Please tell me that you didn't tell Skuld yet?" he pleaded to her with his big brown puppy dog eyes. "Of course I told her." She beamed back with her blinding smile. "I take it that she took it hard. I can tell that she hates me even more now.", he pouted. "Well, yes, she took it quite hard. I don't know what to do, Keiichi." she said as she shot him a semi-worried look. He affectionately held her hand. She lightly squeezed it. "It'll be OK, Bell. We'll figure something out together. I promise." he replied reassuringly. She let out a weak smile. "Thank you, my love." He hugged her tightly to let her know everything will work out. Somehow. Their good mood was expeditiously brought to a grinding halt by the telephone, ringing down the hallway. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!...RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!...RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING!
"I'll answer it, Bell." he promptly replied, as he dashed down the hallway.

"Hello? Morisato residence." he answered, somewhat out of breath. "Mister Keiichi Morisato!" the voice boomed over the earpiece. He was calling. The Almighty One. Belldandy's Father. Keiichi knew right away, without even asking who it was. "Yes, sir! What can I do for you this fine morning?" Keiichi nervously replied. "It has come to my attention that you have asked for my daughter Ver andi's hand in holy matrimony." He boomed once again back over the phone, which was reverberating in Keiichi's hand. His eyes got as big as dinner plates, and his jaw hit the floor at warp speed. He gulped, as though Mt. Fuji itself was stuck in his throat, blocking the words he wanted to answer back with. His mind went completely void for a moment, unknowing what to make of this abrupt event. "..." Nothing came out. Keiichi's entire body froze up like a marble statue.
"Mr. Morisato? Mr. Morisato? Are you there?" Kami-sama calmly asked. Keiichi finally snapped back to reality, realizing now what must be said. A large sweat drop suddenly formed at the back of his head. "Sir. With all due respect, Belldandy and I love each other. More than any words could ever possibly describe. We have been through so much together in the past three years, and not a day passes that I can't imagine where she's not in it. You know that more than I even do. And I also acknowledge how much You love her. And how much she loves You. That is something even I could ever replace. But our love is on an utterly different plateau. I love, honor, and cherish her more than anyone in this world or any other. She completes me." Keiichi replied, with confidence in his voice. There was an extended pause. It seemed like a millennium before He spoke.

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