pt 9

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After sampling other local cuisine from the buffet, they decided to head back to their suite, as it was already well past 7PM. They wanted more than anything to spend a romantic night together as husband and wife.

Belldandy was still preparing herself for the evening, and be joined with her husband - all the while Keiichi was nervously pacing to and fro near the king-sized bed.

Even though they'd shared futons since becoming engaged 7 months ago, they mutually agreed to wait until they consummated their relationship in the ultimate form of passion.

Keiich sweat dropped realizing that tonight would be the night he and his beautiful bride would cross that bridge; knowing very well that it would change everything.

Although he had an idea of what went on when a man and woman made love; he still had no clue of the "how". Belldandy had even less knowledge of that whatsoever, but Urd gave her a crash course in Love Making 101, prior to their wedding - since She was the self-proclaimed "Goddess of Love", and had enough experience to make Belldandy blush madly like a high school girl.

"Keiichi, dear? I'll be out in a moment...but could you turn off the lights? I'm feeling somewhat shy.", Belldandy quietly asked through the restroom door.

"Sure thing, Bell. Take your time.", he answered in return, then did as requested.

He quickly made a mad dash for the bed. Keii was dressed simply in a black t-shirt and a pair of blue and white striped boxer shorts.

A short time later, which seemed like a millennium to Keiichi - she slowly opened the restroom door, then shut off the light behind her as she made her way to the bed. Her anxious hubby nearly fainted when he briefly saw her, as she was only wearing a pink baby-doll, that hugged her flawless, voluptuous body.

" gorgeous.", he sputtered out as she crawled into the bed, and rapidly covered herself with only the sheets.

"It looks okay on me, my love? It was a wedding present from Urd. She told me that you'd be excited if I wore this on our first night together...but I was unsure of whether or not it suited me...", Belldandy softly replied, with a hint of sadness and uneasiness in her voice.

Keiichi turned to her and hugged her tightly, as he reassured her.
"Bell, yes it suits you, and I'm very happy to see you in this. You look more beautiful than I could ever have hoped or dreamed of.", he told her as she returned his embrace.

"Thank you, Keiichi. also mentioned to me what a man and woman do on their honeymoon night, but I have no idea on what to do or how to please you; for I am inexperienced. But as you confided in me before - since I was your first girlfriend - that you have no experience either to draw from I suppose that we'll have to figure it out together, then.", she said.

"Yes, that's true Bell; I kind of know the "what" to do, but not the "how" to do. I guess you're right; we'll both have to figure this out, hehehe.", he replied as he just held her closer, not wanting to let go of her - lest she vanish from his life, just as he'd seen in his nightmares, no thanks to Mara.

As they lay in each others' arms, Belldandy had an idea that she wanted to pass by Keiichi, who seemed to be lost in thought, as he quietly laid there next to his gorgeous wife.

"Keiichi...there is something that I want to try; it's what we divine beings do prior to becoming one in the physical sense. But I must let you know before you agree - it can be very emotional and taxing on your spirit, but it will bring us closer together on a spiritual level", she stated as she sat up on the fluffy bed.

"Oh, is that so, Bell? Well since we've been through so much in the past 3 and a half years, it couldn't hurt, right? As long as it brings us closer what is it?", he happily replied as he sat up as well.

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