Chapter Five: Outpost Serene

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Chapter Five: Outpost Serene

I could see the walls of Outpost Serene reaching for the sky over the top of the hill we were climbing.

Every trade outpost was like that; the walls were at least three stories high. The only ways in or out were through two large gates at the southernmost and northernmost points of the outpost. Heavily guarded by Dominion soldiers, of course.

Vendors had to go through an extensive security check of all their products and belongings before those gates would be opened for them. Fortunately, Bounty Hunters had an easier time of it. If we made it that far.

The Asamani had either arm slung over both mine and Vera's shoulders, barely limping along with us as he slipped in and out of consciousness. The bleeding had actually stopped - I couldn't explain that - but he seemed almost worse because of it. My bet was that Grigorian had knocked something out of place inside him while he was beating him to a pulp.

Working our way down the hill, carefully, we approached the gates of Outpost Serene.

They were already open, allowing a few caravans their way out. The riders looked worn, overworked from gathering supplies and not looking forward to the long ride back home. I guessed they were from a village, making the monthly trip for supplies.

They passed by us without so much as a sideways glance; no one would care about an injured alien. Or an injured human, for that matter. It was too common a sight for anyone to acknowledge anymore.

We approached an unoccupied Dominion soldier and he turned to face us, his face as empty and shrouded as they ever were, towering above us in more ways than one.

"Been after this one for a while," I said, gesturing to the Asamani. "Finally caught up to him a ways down the path. Employer said for us to meet here," I said, reaching for my ID card. The Dominion soldier merely extended his hand. I placed the card in his hand and he scanned it as they always did. He handed it back to me and looked to Vera. She pulled out her card and did the same.

The soldier stepped aside and allowed us access. Just like that. Being a Bounty Hunter made it easy to get in to places with an injured person; all you have to do is say he or she was your target. But it's not like The Dominion cared about an injury anyway. They would be more likely to cause it than do something about it.

Limping our way into the outpost, we took a quick glance around.

There were vendors everywhere, bartering and trading with citizens who didn't have the coins to afford basic supplies. The crowd seemed to go on and on, the sounds of a hundred conversations coming at us from all angles.

Dominion soldiers were among them, patrolling for suspicious activity or individuals. Trading Outposts were a common place for rebels to make transactions given how easy it was blend into the crowd. This was likely where this Asamani was headed before he was intercepted by that Grigorian.

Miniature drones would occasionally fly over our heads as well, allowing the Dominion soldiers patrolling the top of the walls to keep an eye on us. Outside of an outpost, it was easy enough to avoid letting The Dominion know what you were up to if you were smart, but in here...rarely anything went down without them knowing. One way or another.

"Where are we supposed to go?" Vera asked. I guessed she'd never been to a trading outpost before. At least, not one on Earth.

"Look around," I replied. "We just need someplace away from the crowd."

"Well, that's the problem." She said. "I look around and all I see IS the crowd."

"Looking for someplace private?" A voice from behind us asked. We turned around to face him. The man was short, bald, and grinning as if he'd just dug up a pile of gold. "A few coins and I'll tell ya where the Inn is." He added. I rolled my eyes. A vendor. This is why I didn't come to outposts unless I had too.

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