Chapter Fifteen: Undying

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Chapter Fifteen: Undying


That's all my eyes could see in that moment, surrounding me like a storm. Death. Rebels and Dominion soldiers alike.

The rebels in the medical zone didn't stand a chance. They weren't prepared for a head on attack. They were mostly just doctors, here to help others. And the Dominion soldiers were slaughtering them for it.

"HEY!" Henry screamed at the faceless helmets. "Uglies! Shoot at this!" He demanded, and tossed a detonator toward the group of soldiers. I almost shot it out of the sky myself as the explosion from that would kill more than the Dominion troops. But I didn't have the quickness, and it landed, but all it put out was smoke.

Henry then charged into the smoke cloud, screaming and refusing to let go of the trigger of his gun as he unloaded it on them. I heard battle cries from other rebels as well, charging into the smoke as it began to fade away.

One of the soldiers got behind where Henry had been, and he took aim to where Henry was now. I quickly managed to raise my own gun, taking aim as best I could in my state. Which was simply slower than normal. But I found my target, centered on it, and took my shot.

The Dominion soldier fell as the shot pierced his armor, collapsing to his knees first, and then completely onto the ground. Henry heard it and looked back to me, conveying the same silent thanks I had given him. We were even now. But we weren't out of trouble yet.

"Lock and load, boys. Death's on its way but we ain't lettin' it in!" Henry yelled and the rebels surrounding him cheered. That almost sounded like something Paxer would've said. Or at least, when he was young and naive like me.

When I knew him, he would've just shook his head at the camaraderie present here. It was written all over these rebels face; they weren't fighting for themselves, they were fighting for each other. And that would get them killed, Paxer would've said. I was inclined to agree, but in this moment I had little choice but to help.

"More coming!" One of rebels yelled, pointing past and down the path back toward where we had crushed. Through The Cloud's mist, I could somewhat make out the silhouette's of quite of few Dominion soldiers. I quickly ducked down, covering half my frame behind the tent I was next to. Not that it would do me much good against gunfire.

They opened fire first, blasts of red shooting through the mist toward Henry and his group. They dived for cover as well, readying themselves for a counterattack. I laid down a few shots providing them with some cover fire while they got in position. But it was all for not.

The sound of not one but two Dominion scout ships drowned my eyes from behind. I dared to let myself look back, only to find it was true. There they were, hovering right above the medical zone. Their guns were trained on Henry's group.

The Dominion soldiers took advantage of the distraction, quickly surrounding both me and Henry's men and preparing to execute them. The Dominion never took prisoners. Reluctantly, Henry and his men dropped their guns and held their hands on, fully aware of that fact.

"We fought the good fight, boys." Henry said, looking around to his men.

"And the fight goes on without us." Some other rebel said.

"Damn right it does." Henry replied, and stared at his own face in one of the soldiers helmets. "Kill all you want. The rebellion will never die." He proudly exclaimed, and closed his eyes, ready to die.

But today wasn't his day.

One of the scout ships exploded above us, raining down debris on top of us. Henry, his men, and I all took advantage of that to attack our would-be killers. I quickly grabbed my gun off the ground and hastily aimed it at the head of the soldier in front of me, pulling the trigger before he had the chance to pull his.

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