Chapter Six: Lizard

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Chapter Six: Lizard

Never letting up on the gun shoved into my back, Bask escorted me away from the crowd.

Slowly and stealthily, as his species was known for, we avoided Dominion patrols and drones. Bask had the air of a true assassin about him. But whatever he wanted me to do, it wasn't gonna happen. He'd have to have an army - or three - if he wanted to bring me down.

Slowly we made our way into another back alley. A place where the sounds and life of the crowd were only echoes. A place where Bask thought he would have the advantage. He was wrong.

"I'm gonna give you two options," He started as we came to a stop. "You can either tell me what you know about this pretty little girl," He said, holding up the picture of Ash in front of me with his free hand. "And maybe then I let you off the hook with a broken arm or leg." He added. He was too sure he had me pinned down. Overconfidence was his problem. I had the advantage of being taught the different between being overconfident and confident in my abilities. "Or I can put a bullet in your head right now and have a talk with the Karsara and the rebel myself. Your choice."

I pretended to think it over when in reality I was going with option number three and employ a few stealth tactics of my own to reach my belt.

"Make the smart choice, Gregor. I'll let you live out of respect if you tell me what I want to know. Or you, your friend, the rebel, and the girl can all learn how I earned my reputation."

"You know what, Bask?" I asked. "I think you need to re-evaluate how much you deserve that reputation." I said, and quickly shoved my right palm onto his leg. Before he even had the chance to think about pulling the trigger, electricity was coursing its way over his entire body.

In a split second, he was on the ground, unconscious. I smirked.

So much for THE Bask.

His picture of Ash had landed on the ground next to his gun. I picked it up and put in my pocket with mine. And then I retrieved my burnt out shocker that had just put this lowlife in his place.

Tiny little thing, a shocker. But, as it displayed, capable of distributing a hell of a lot of electricity. I've found it handy over the years.

I search Bask for anything, any other clues he may have found. All I found was his ID card and a bag of coins, which I promptly added to my own. I pocketed his ID card as well. That would bring him a lot of trouble down the road.

But since he didn't have anything on him that might tell me what he knows - and since he wasn't dead and knew Vera and I were hiding a rebel - I was left with a dilemma. Kill him or find another solution?

I thought about Vera. She wouldn't kill him. Not after what happened last time we faced this dilemma. But Bask wasn't some drunk in a random town. He was a Bounty Hunter.

And he could still know something I don't about Ash. I sighed. Damn it.

Holstering his gun back on his belt, I hoisted Bask up and flung him over the shoulder he hadn't dug his fingers into. Fortunately, we were close to the Inn. That was his second mistake.

It only took me a couple minutes to reach the window to our room and I got a wide-eyed look from Vera as she saw who I had brought along.


"He's not dead." I interjected, and flung him down onto the windowsill, gesturing for Vera to help me get him inside.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better? Why bring him here?" She asked as she dragged him off the windowsill and onto the floor.

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