Chapter Twenty Four: Ashes

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Chapter Twenty Four: Ashes

Her heart was racing. I could feel it.

One arm wrapped around me and the other around Lizard, I could feel Vera's heart racing. That was a good sign. She was fighting. She was surviving. I hoped she wouldn't have too much longer. We had made it here, and there was a cure.

The path downward was small, just barely squeezing the three of us between its walls. The other rebels had gone ahead to alert a medical team to meet us. I hadn't wrapped my head around it yet. This was the rebel base. Lizard here, and alive. All I could think about was the next step, one step closer to helping Vera.

I never would've guessed I'd have these emotions when I met her. She was a hunter, like me. We don't get attached, or at least I was raised not to. But I did. Again. Now I didn't know what to do with those feelings.

The world we lived in never left us room for love.

"It isss jussst ahead," We neared a source of light as Lizard spoke. Out of the dark and into the volcano. Vera muttered something I couldn't understand in between us, but it strengthened my resolve none the less. She was conscious, or at least partly.

"Remain where you are," a hoarse voice commanded us upon reaching the tunnel's end. A cavern. I suddenly found weapons directed toward us, the men and women behind them stern-faced and ready to fire on a less than a moment's notice. The rebels.

"Please," I didn't care what they thought might happen. There was no time to spare. "She needs -" A single hand slowly raised from hoarse-voiced elderly man stopped me.

"We are well aware."

"Isss a medical unit being readied?"

"As we speak," the man gestured a few of the rebels surrounding him. They approached us, slowly and cautiously, their eyes locked on me. As were all others. Lizard was no threat. He was one of them. I was an unknown variable. That much I understood.

Lizard nodded to me, and we relinquished Vera into the arms of the man and woman that had approached us. They quickly rushed her past the older man and down a corridor I could not see. She was gone from me, but being rushed back to herself.

"Lizard," the elderly man began. "Explanations are in order," his eyes stayed true to mine, not even blinking as far as I could tell. He was being cautious. Given what the rebels had to do to hide themselves from The Dominion, a stranger was likely not a welcome sight.

"Thisss isss Gregor Oren," a sense of recognition dawned on the old man's face. My name meant something to him. "You know asss well asss I do why he hasss come. I can asssure you, Tarlen, he isss worthy of trussst."

Tarlen nodded, slowly, seemingly satisfied with Lizard's assurance. "None the less, he must be put through quarantine."

I finally spoke up. "Quarantine?"

"Perfectly harmless, I assure you. But you must understand precautions must be taken. The security of the Coalition must be ensured," The Coalition. I supposed only the rest of the world knew them as rebels. "It will not take long. Afterwards, you will speak before the Trusted," I didn't argue as two rebels approached me, their weapons still drawn but no longer pointed at me. I looked to Lizard, who again offered a nod. The two slowly took my gun and my ID card - not that I needed that anymore - and all other objects attached to my person. "Your belongings will be returned. We will speak shortly," Tarlen concluded.

"I will remain by Vera's ssside," Lizard promised, somewhat bowing and placing his hand to his chest. "You have my word," I nodded.

The two rebels handed off my belongings to a few others. "Follow us."

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