Chapter Twenty Eight: The Immortal

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Chapter Twenty Eight: The Immortal

The base was holding together, but it wouldn't stay that way for long. Not with the force The Dominion was bombarding it with. It wouldn't take them long to realize they could come down from above, either.

From what I could tell, the base had strong defenses and could withstand a bombardment, but that didn't mean I didn't feel like we were trapped. There wasn't much we could do except wait for them blast their way inside. Unless it benefited me, I hated waiting for the enemy to make their move. The rebels had the advantage of knowing and utilizing their base against the enemy, but the sheer number of Dominion soldiers almost eliminated that advantage. Once they got inside, holding them back would be next to impossible.

Just another day.

Vera and I rounded a corner, running into the corridor that led to the Trust chamber. Another bomb struck as we reached the doors, shoving us through them onto the floor inside face first. That was one way to make an entrance.

Unknown hands helped us up as another bomb struck, but this time we were able to keep our footing. The ceiling, however, was barely able to keep its own. A crack spread across it, but stopped just short of collapsing. It couldn't take much more. Another bomb, and the lights flickered off for a few moments.

Tarlen looked around as they came back on, and then focused his gaze on my sister. "All scout ships except for one have reported a successful departure and are on route to rendezvous at the beta site within a day's time."

"How many?" Ashley asked, gripping the chair in front of her.

Tarlen glazed over the data pad he was holding. "Four percent of the population boarded the ships. Ninety six percent volunteered to remain behind."

Ashley slowly nodded, taking a deep breath and pressing a button on the table, opening a transmission to the entire base. "If you all can still hear me, I don't have to tell you what's begun. You can all hear the bombs. I just want to report that the scout ships are successfully away and I want to say thank you. What we do today, no matter the outcome, will not be forgotten. If we die, we die fighting for a cause we believe in - that this entire nebula believes in whether they know it or not," she paused, meeting my eyes. "If they don't, it's our job to show them. Today is the day we make our mark," she pressed the button again, ending the broadcast.

Tarlen nodded to her. "Well said."

Her eyes remained on mine, and I could see in hers this was the toughest thing she had to do. Regardless of how motivated she was, how well she motivated others, this was not easy for her. "Where will you two be?"

I pulled out my gun, loading it. "I'll be making sure no Dominion goons make it into your portal chamber, immortal or otherwise."

"And I'll be keeping him alive," Vera chimed in. "We'll make sure your team gets the chance it needs."

Ash nodded. "Thank you."

The mountain shook again, the lights going out longer this time. But they came back on, and voices came over the radio.

"Dominion troops have entered the base!" a voice cried out in panic. Rapid shots sounded in the background, accompanied by screams and the march of Dominion boots. "I repeat, Dominion troops have entered th-" he was cut off. Only static remained.

Ash ran into her office and Vera, the Trust members, and I all followed. She quickly got over to the balcony overlooking the base and looked around. "There," she pointed toward the chamber where Vera, Lizard, and I had entered, across the volcano and several levels down. Shots were flying out of it. And then they just stopped. Ash hung her head. "This is happening quicker than we thought. We need to enact the plan now," she glanced to Tarlen and the other trust members.

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