Chapter 3

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I looked down. There was a giant robot. I took a picture of him on my phone. I'll send it to you guys.


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So yeah... Back to story!!!


I looked down and I saw this guy. I think he was battling the giant freaky robot thing. He kept sending blasts of lightning towards it.

"WHY DO YOU DO THIS BROTHER!" He shouted to the Destroyer.

Okay. It's his brother. "I cannot brother. Odin has fallen into Odinsleep, and I am now the ruler. As so I need to GET RID OF ANY THREATS!" It yelled back in a silky voice that was way to high to belong to a robot. I looked a bit closer. There was green magic mist floating around the robot. Magic. Something is controlling the robot from afar. Hmm...

Maybe... I could help.

But I needed a cool entrance.  I know!

I surrounded myself in crystal particles, so it looked like I was surrounded in ever-color-changing smoke. Then I spiraled downwards and landed kneeling. Like this:

But you know

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But you know. Me.

So I land,  and the Destroyer is confused, as is Lighting. I get up.

"Hi." I say. Awkward silence... "I'm guessing that you're Thor." I said pointing at Hammertime. "You have the lightning."(and the thunder), I pointed to the Destroyer. "You're Loki because a) Thor called you brother and b) I saw green magic around the Destroyer.

"Mortal," It's Loki. I roll my eyes. "you have no right to interfere-"

"Actually," I say, cutting him off. "I have every right to deal with this. This is Earth, or Midgard for you. It is my planet. As such I have every right to defend it." I put my hand on my hip. "So... Bye."

"Don't!" It's Thor. "If I cannot defeat the Destroyer, what makes you think you can?" He asks.

"This." I raise my hand and point it over the Destroyer. A slight shimmer begins to form. Then the shimmer turns into a giant crystal. A purple one, so amethyst I guess.

"You- you are a Asgardian!" Thor said. Loki looks up.

"Well, half. Mom's side."

"Why don't you join me?" Loki asks. "Together we could rule the-"

He was cut off by my dropping the crystal on his head. The Destroyer armor was crushed beneath it. It was like a fly hitting a windshield, but with magic and metal. So not like it at all.

"Thank you, for your help." It's Thor.

"No problem." I sighed. I tightened my ponytail before saying, "Well I better leave before Rhodey gets here." Thor looks at me, confusion spread across his face. "My dad's friend." I explained.

"And why do you run from him?" He asks bluntly.

"I have a rough past with my dad. I ran away when I was 10." I look away uncomfortably, and a little wistfully. "Rhodey says he's changed. I don't believe it."

"Who is your father, young mage?" I smile, a silently laugh at his comment.

"Tony Stark."I answered. I turn to leave, but then I turn back. "Here." I form a small crystal in my hands. I press it into his larger one. He looked at me. "For times you need to get somewhere without the Bifrost." I smile cryptically. Then I take off quickly, careful not to leave a trail.

~Thor's Point of View~

As the tiny mage left, I stared at the crystal. Then I heard the sound of engines. I turn to see a thin, silver metal suit approaching me. It was slimmer than the Destroyer and had a mask instead of the fire-breathing hole.

"Have you seen a girl?" The voice was metallic, but had a human speech pattern. "She would look around twelve. Silver hair, purple tips. Normally in a ponytail. Has kind of strange looking clothes and combat boots." He was describing the tiny mage. You know, the one that just saved me.

"Are you Rhodey?" I ask. He looked at me funny before answering.

"Yes. Now where is she?"

"She... uh," I think. I came up with something quickly though, so he didn't think I was suspicious. "Went to somewhere called Angel Grove, I think. Could have been Oak Grove though. She was in a hurry."

"Thank you." He looked away from me. "Oh Eon." He whispered to himself, but I heard it. "Why do you run?" And with that he took off.

"So the tiny mage's name is Eon."


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