Chapter 11

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It was my first night away from Dad. I was a bit scared, but I had a bit of money, thanks to me selling a small diamond I made. I bought a tent, and a TON of food. Everything seemed perfect...

But it wasn't.

I could feel someone watching me as I set up my tent in the woods. I felt their presence as I cooked on my campfire. I saw a shadow, when I was getting ready for bed.

"I know your there." I said to the stranger. "Come out NOW."

And she did. She was stunning. Black hair. Green eyes. I couldn't look away.

"Who are you?" I asked, though I knew the answer.

"I am your father." said Loki, as he turned into a man again.

*end Flashback*

I watched my father wake up in a steel trap. Fury was standing, mockingly, outside the trap.

"In case it's unclear." Fury said smugly. "You try to escape. You so much as scratch that glass..." Fury pressed a button, that opened a giant hole under Loki. "THIRTY THOUSAND FEET, STRAIGHT DOWN IN A STEEL TRAP!" Fury yelled over the wind. "YOU GET HOW THAT WORKS?!" He asked. Fury closed the hatch. Then he pointed at Loki. "Ant." Then pointed at the button. "Boot."

Dad 2 smirked. "It's an impressive cage." He admitted. "Not built, I think, for me." No shit Sherlock.

"Built for something a lot stronger than you." Fury replied.

"Oh, I've heard." Loki looked up at the camera, straight at Bruce. Somehow, STRAIGHT AT BRUCE!!! Awkward...

"The mindless beast, makes play he's still a man. How desperate are you, that you call upon such lost creatures to defend you?" He is STILL SMIRKING, SOMEONE SLAP HIM!

"How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control." Fury ranted. "You talk about peace and you kill 'cause it's fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did."

Loki is still smirking.

"Ooh." Loki mocked. "It burns you to have come so close, to have power, unlimited power! And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is." Loki monologues

Fury smiles. "Well let me know if "Real Power" wants a magazine or something." I snigger, as Fury walks off. Everyone looked at me. 

"What?" I asked, innocently. "It was funny!" When I see their looks, I put up my hands in surrender. "Fine I'll go. But one thing." They look at me. "You guys will want to watch this, so keep the screen on." Then I left. Jogging down, deep into the Helicarrier. To the detention level.


When I got there I snuck up behind him while he wasn't looking.

"Not many people can sneak up on me." Loki said, turning around.

"And I am most certainly not one of them." I look around the cage. "Not very comfortable is it?" I asked.

"No, not very." Loki replied.

*Thor's POV*

I flipped the screen back on to see Eon talking to Loki.

"Not very comfortable is it?" She asked him.

"No, not very." He replied. He opened his mouth to speak again, but Eon started to talk.

"Though if I could remember, I would probably say being inside you isn't any better." What the? I look around at the others, and they looked as confused as I was.

"True." Loki laughed. "I ate way to many chips while having you." At this Tony went white and almost fell over, but he stumbled a bit. "Is the mike off, darling?" He asked her. My jaw dropped. WHAT IS GOING ON?????

"No, duh." She said. "I wanted for the others to die of shock." She looked at the camera. "Just kidding guys." She turned back to Loki. "I think Dad figured it out." She told him.

"Hows that?" He asked genuinely curious.

"I think I heard a thump, coming from above. Just one though, so it's probably him."

"Good thinking." Loki said. "I could use you on my side, Eon. We could-"

"Do you remember New Mexico at all????" She asked. I do...

"Fine, yes I suppose I already asked."

"THERE'S YOUR ANSWER." She said, meme like. "Anyways, I need to go see Dad." She said. Looking awkward, she said, "Other dad."

"Yes of course, darling." Loki sat.

"Cya!" She then walked out. She then teleported into the lounge area we were in.

Eon's POV

When I teleported into the lounge, everyone looked over. They needed an explanation, so I turned to my Dad. "Your turn to explain." I told him. Then I teleported to my room.

"Well that was fun..." I said to myself.

"Tell me about it." I whirled around. "It took me ten minutes to get by security." He whined. "TEN MINUTES. I am so out of practice." It was a boy, a year older than me, with blond hair and abyss blue eyes. He was wearing a T-Shirt that said, "I'm a vegan. NAH! Just kidding, who doesn't like meat" and ripped jeans. He had black and glowing blue Converse, and a chain necklace.

"Bro! What the heck! How did you get in here????" I said as I hugged my older brother, Asher.

"How's Dad?" He asked. "Has he freaked out about Dad yet?" He said chuckling.

"We're almost there. He was at the 'curl up I'm freaking out, get me alcohol' stage." We both laughed.

"It's good to see you, Eon."

"You too, Ash." I smiled. "Hey I just realized something." Asher looked at me. "Thor is gonna be emotionally unstable because he has not one, but two of..." I thought. "What are they called?" I thought a bit more. "I guess, 'Brother's children" is appropriate."

"Is he that bad?" Asher laughed. "Now I'm worried."

"So am I." I laughed.


HAVE FUN EXPLAINING THAT TONY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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