Kakashi vs. Pain

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Kakashi's P.O.V

After the uneventful events that Shinju brought up a few weeks ago, my comrades couldn't take me seriously anymore. I knew the books would come after me someday.

I saw many ninjas assembling combat tools. We've had a hunch that Pain would come and invade us anytime soon. I heard a loud scream and saw a man with orange hair who had purple eyes. The Rinnegan... How? I picked up the little girl bridal style and ran to the Hokage's Office where I saw Tsunade-sama having a meeting with the elders. I bowed apologetically.

"Pardon me for the intrusion, but I saw Pain in the village, he attacked this little girl. Can I leave her in your hands?"

"Sweetie what did he ask you?" Tsunade asked soothingly trying to comfort the traumatized kid.

"H-he asked me the whereabouts of Uzumaki Naruto. They threatened me to death...I had no information...." My eyes widened. I heard explosions at the end of the village and screams of horror.

Pain's invasion has begun. There laid a giant Rhino who possessed as well the Rinnegan and other types of animals heading straight to Konoha. Amazing, who knew Pain possessed such monsters. "Tsunade-sama your orders?" I asked.

"Kakashi, I want you to assemble the Chunins and the Jonins here."

"This won't be necessary." I side glanced only to find Shinju and the rest of the Chunins and the Jonins already gathered and cramped in the office. "Shinju how?"

"I pulled some strings with Inoichi he got in contact with everyone."

"Everyone, we must defeat those beasts. This might gain some time for people to evacuate. Go!" Everyone disappeared and were already outside some were helping evacuating people, and some tried to tame the beasts. Shinju was next to me.

"Tsunade-sama, what about you?" Shinju asked.

"I'll be at the Ninja Academy and summon Katsuyu to heal any villagers who are injured. ANBU let's go." I looked at Shinju, and she looked back at me. She hugged me which took me aback.

"Whatever happens, please just don't die in my hands."

"I could say the same thing for you," I said unsure of myself.

"Come on, we've got a village to save" We ran to the town square to find a petrified Choji. I looked at Shinju. "You go and take down the beasts I'll take this one." She shared me one last glance and left. I engaged a fight vs the Deva Path and attempted to strike with my lightning cutter, however Pain used something that made me lose focus, and I failed to strike Pain. He repelled my blow.

"Shinra Tensei" The lightning then spread in waves and at the end, a huge explosion occurred. Smoke surrounded the area which made me make a diversion. I created a clone and emerged. "Lightning Release: Lightning Beast Tracking Fang."

In the end, Pain used a technique and pulled my clone towards the Ashura Path's blade and killed him. I resurfaced with some reinforcements including Choji, Choza, and Shito, with three other ninjas. Choji and Choza used their Partial Multi-Size Technique to crush the Asura Path. The other three attempted to take out the Deva Path only for Pain to use Shinra Tensei once again. I observed once more how the Deva Path worked.

One hit. 5 seconds to wait. Another hit. 5 seconds wait. Another hit. 5 seconds wait. I got it! It took 5 seconds for the Path to recharge between attack. I could use the 5 seconds as an advantage.

"Lightning Cutter"! In a flash, the other Path shielded the other Path with its body. At least that was one path down! I had to try another method. How about underground? I discretely threw a chain underground.

"Earth Release: Hiding like a mole technique." Perhaps this kind of diversion could kill or distract Pain.

"Shinra Tensei." The other Path pushed me away.

Damn it! I feel weak. I overused my Sharingan and my chakra. If I kept on going like this, I'll die. I pulled the chain back up to bind Pain. Choji and Choza used the Double Human Bullet Tank to crush the Deva Path. My breath was shortening. Pain repelled them once again, and Choza shielded his son with his body from the impact. All of a sudden, I was trapped on the ground. I couldn't move. I guess this was the end for me. The Deva Path rose his hand and released a nail from a wooden board and fired it aiming it at my head. Once the nail hit, the only thing I felt was the pain.

My vision was extremely blurry, the Deva Path left. I heard Choji cry and mourned. He just lost his father. "Choji..." I rasped. He whipped his head towards me. "Mourn later, this is the opportunity to report the Deva's Path abilities. Go!"

Choji ran towards the Ninja Academy, I saw the Asura Path rise. Didn't I kill him? He fired a missile. I have to stop it. It's was only opportunity. I used my last remaining chakra to activate the Mangekyou Sharingan and I used the Kamui to suck the missile in another dimension. My vision soon was covered in black spots. I saw a person with white hair running towards me.

Shinju. I could only read the words on her lips. I saw her crying, I tried to open my eyes but was soon greeted with darkness.

I'm sorry Shinju...

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