A new beginning

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"Yes, Shinju. Death Shadow will cease to exist." 

Shinju's P.O.V 

This identity I created was going to crumble into pieces. "I know it's hard to take in, but, Shinju. Don't you think this facade you created is fading?" Dad reasoned. 

"No. No, I won't accept it!" I protested. 

"Look at you now. Don't you think Death Shadow is gone? You no longer snap. You're easier to approach. Shinju, you've changed. It's time to turn the page." Tsunade stated.

I stood there quiet, unable to say a word. "I'll let you think about it, alright?" Dad ruffled my hair and left. Abandon Death Shadow? I couldn't. I just couldn't! It's something which grew within me. 

"You are both dismissed. Shinju, despite the "Death Shadow identity,"  I will still expect you to command your division." Tsunade said sternly. I nodded in response and left. 

I looked at Grey Strike, who seemed perplexed in his mind. "Grey Strike," He looked at me. "Look, I know we started on the wrong foot, can we start over?" I took out my hand. He shook it firmly and walked away. 

"At least let me treat you to some tea and mochi." I caught up to him. He huffed in exasperation. "Alright. Let's go." He grabbed me by the hand. "Hey-!" Before I knew it, we were sitting on a table in a tea shop. 

The waitress came in, greeting us warmly. "Welcome to our tea shop-." She froze when she saw our ANBU masks and quivered in fear. "H-how may I help you?" The poor waitress stammered. 

"May I use your washroom?" I asked politely. She nodded furiously and led the way. Once I entered the bathroom, I took out a scroll containing my other shinobi outfit. I got out of the washroom and sat down once again. 

The waitress looked at me and sighed in relief. "How may I help you?" She smiled. "I would like to take green tea with three mochis. The one with the red bean filling." I looked at Grey Strike. "I will take the same as the lady." 

The waitress bowed. "Coming right up." 

"I never knew you liked red bean filling." I started a conversation. "There are some things you don't know about me." He chuckled. 

"I'm sorry about what happened. I wanted to know what pissed you off." 

"It's ridiculous." Grey Strike scratched the back of his nape, embarrassed. "Oh, now you got me interested." I played along. 

"He said he wanted to marry you and torture you." I looked at Grey Strike deadpanned. "Are you serious? That's what made you pissed off?" 

"Yes." He said flustered. "You barely even know me." I twitched my nose. 

"There are many things you don't know about me." I sensed him smiling — that little bastard. 

"Sorry for the wait." The waitress gave us our food. "Thank you." I tipped her, she smiled at me and left us. 

"Why did that piss you off?" I pushed the subject again. 

"I'll tell you when the time is right." I stared at him, confused. So many theories popped into my mind! I took a bite of the mochi and melted in ecstasy. "This is so good." I hummed in delight. 

"One of your guilty pleasures I see." 

"You have no idea." I smiled. The rest of the conversation was small talk and stories about our missions. Before I knew it, it was late afternoon. "It looks like you had quite some adventurous missions." I laughed.

"Shinju!" I heard a familiar voice among the crowd. The pink kunoichi appeared from the group, greeting me. "Sakura." I acknowledged her presence. "It's been a while."

Struggle (Sequel to Shinju Hatake)Where stories live. Discover now