Mysterious Man

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Shinju's P.O.V 

I glared at the man who blocked my attack. The man's mask had a similar pattern to the ANBU's. Was he an undercover spy sent by Madara? Or a spy from our village? I didn't know this man, I've searched all the documents of the ANBU member, however I haven't seen him around.

I backed away as he stood between Sasuke and I. "Now, now, it isn't necessary to waste our breathes after someone declared a war. Save the fighting for the real battle." My eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"Who are you to say that?" I growled. I could've ended Sasuke right here if it wasn't for this idiot. " Don't waste your breathe on this. You'll have another time. It wouldn't be smart to lose one of our strongest ninja to a rogue. While we clearly have a war to finish." I shut my mouth not wanting to make a fool of myself.

Madara appeared with Sasuke near him. Not wanting to see him, I left immediately. "Oi, Shinju! Wait!" I heard Dad yell in the distance. I ignored him and engulfed myself into the forest. I caught a glimpse of white, knowing it was the masked man.

"What do you want?" I asked harshly, not bothering facing him. "My, my such a foul mouth coming from a young woman." I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "I'm a ninja from Konoha. I've just returned from a long term mission." I kept silent. "You don't trust me, do you?" I sped up my pace. This guy was so persistent, I hated it! Without noticing I was already at the front gates of Konoha.

I got at my kunai and pointed to the stranger. "Another step and I'll slice you to bits." The man put his hands up in defense. "Shinju, what are you doing?" I looked back to see Lady Tsunade behind me with Shizune and Ton-Ton. I bowed to her in respect, "Ma'am this commoner was followed me," I tattled tailed. "And what are you doing out of bed? You're supposed to be resting." The stranger starred at me before posing into a weird defense.

Tsunade's eyes travelled to the commoner and smiled. "Why, if it isn't Grey Strike himself!" The Hokage beamed. "Grey...Strike...?" I stood there dumbfounded. "It's been a while, Tsunade-sama!" Tsunade-sama's smile got even bigger. "Now, now you're old enough to drink sake right?" "Yeah, that's right." The man replied neutrally. She took the man by the neck and dragged him away to a local bar. Leaving me behind dumbstruck. What just happened?

Shizune approached to me. "You've never heard Grey Strike before? I'm surprised." I scoffed. "Of course not! I haven't seen him in the documents." Shizune looked at me and then it hit her. "Oh! I know why, it's because it's in the Hokage's files!" Shizune's words hit me like an arrow. I had permission to inspect Tsunade's papers, why did she hide another pile of secret files?

Shizune noticing my distressed expression, smiled nervously. "Well, if you'd excuse me, I need to – Clean Ton-Ton!" Ton-Ton snorted in disagreement as Shizune scattered away leaving me in the deserted village. "What is going on?!" I yelled in frustration. This was the first time I wasn't current of an unknown situation. Is this what confusion's like?

Time has passed after the incident with "Grey Strike." Naruto was sent to a resort island to control his chakra. It was mainly a cover up to hide him from the Fourth Shinobi War. The village suddenly grew tense after Madara's declaration.

Suddenly a hawk clumsily flew to my apartment. Dad was away as he received an SOS turtle sent from Guy. I reached my arm to it and took the note away sending the hawk back.

Dear Shinju,

I would like to apologize for my sudden encounter with you. Would you like to take an A-rank mission with me? If you accept, meet me at the main gate of Konoha.

I will be waiting.

Grey Strike

I looked at the letter suspiciously, and shrugged. I packed my sealing scrolls and changed into my ANBU clothes. It's been a while I haven't worn this attire. I teleported to the main gate and saw Grey Strike on the tree. He looked at me and got off.

"Shinju, no. Sorry, Death Shadow. Thank you for accepting my invitation." I nodded in response. Grey Strike handed me the scroll. Mission; Having all the Kage's signatures to seal the official alliance. This wouldn't be a problem. "Let's get this over with."

We left the village and teleported to the thick forest. The atmosphere was filled with awkwardness. "So, your father is Kakashi huh?" Grey Strike started. I raised my brow. "Yeah, what about it? Also, I would restrain you to spew out personal information please. We are on an A-rank mission." Way to go, Shinju, you just amped up the awkwardness between you-?!

"Stop right there ANBU!" I stopped midtracks, seeing the two bozos I met a few years ago. "What do you want idiots? We are in the middle of something." The rogue ANBU black OPS smirked. "Death Shadow, it's been a while."

"I thought Copy Cat beheaded you." I got into my offensive stance. "Where is that coward of a Jonin? "

"You talking about me?" I turned around and saw the Jonin. Something wasn't right. Their eyes, their sclera (white part of the eyes), it was black! How was that possible? Don't tell me! Kochiyose; Edo-Tensei?! How? "Grey Strike!"

"The only way to defeat them is to neutralize them. If you want to end this, then we have to find the mastermind and kill him."

"How about we neutralize these bastards. I still have a score to settle! Let's go!" 

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