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I have nothing to say, let's get to it.

Inside the Rebel Complex in Toronto, no Pyrotechnics, but the crowd was going wild as Mike Tenay speaks.

Mike Tenay: It is hyped inside the Rebel Complex, it's the brand with all the action, this! Is! NITRO! Hello everyone I'm Mike Tenay, and alongside me is Don West and Brad Johnson!

Brad: It is truly a sight to see here! The fans are hyped, the energy is off the roof, man! It's electric!

Mike Tenay: What a great we have for you tonight! Leni is putting her IC Title on the line in an open challenge, and in our main event, Bobby Santiago will take on Lynn, in a match surely will steal the show.

Don: I hope it does, and look at the ring! It's decked out!

Indeed the ring was decorated, the ring had a red carpet, balloons were tied to the posts, and there was a small table with glasses of punch.

Out comes Ken Warren.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome, "The Social Media Sinister", KEN WARREN!!!

Mike Tenay: Looks like Ken Warren is ready for a party!

Brad: He told me that this party is for Pacifica.

Don: Oh Really?

Brad: Yep. It's to celebrate Pacifica's successful defense at RCCW Thrilla In Manila!

Mike Tenay: Well that's a way to start a show!

Ken Warren enters the ring, Justin Roberts hands his mic, and Roberts leaves the ring.

Ken: Ladies and gentlemen, nerds, geeks, and everything in between, it is I, The Face Of Facebook, The OG of IG, The Candid Attention Bandit, and The Social Media Sinister, Ken Warren, and tonight, is a party. Why? Because someone successfully defended their title in RCCW Thrilla In Manila. Yes I'm talking about the one only Pacifica Northwest! Let's give her a warm welcome!

Out comes Pacifica Northwest in her new gear, carrying her championship over her shoulder, and showing it off to the people in the arena.

Mike Tenay: There she is, folks, Pacifica Northwest, and yes she succesfully defended her Subscribers Championship in RCCW's rendition of Thrilla In Manila. Who did she beat? None other than Rainbow Dash.

Don: Rainbow Dash brought the fight, but it was what happened AFTER the match that stole the whole thing.

Brad: Yeah, during the match, The YOLO Twins were at her corner, but then in the end of the match, in came Legendary, and completely destroyed them!

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