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Anoriath didn't understand what to do, he knew that they were trying to help but he didn't trust anyone at this moment in time. It seemed as if the entire world was against him. Luna and Katelyn still stood by his side never letting him go. They were the only ones keeping him sane. Without those, he wouldn't have been so nice to the IAK. He smiled at them and they smiled back until the girl interrupted. ''So, you seem to like killing, is it because of the humans or out of pure hatred and vengeance?'' Anoriath thought deeply before clenching his fists and stopped in his path. The girl continued. ''Is it because they murdered your father and mother. The ones who were never there to protect you. The ones who made an abomination such as yourself?'' Anoriath felt rage welling up inside him as he looked up, his eye a crimson red. ''Don't you dare speak about my parents like that.'' She looked directly at him and laughed. ''Kill him.'' Anoriath unleashed his kagune and instantly felt the insides of two Aogiri members drop to the floor, blood and guts spilling everywhere. Screams of the panicked and dying individuals fading away. The girl managed to escape but left chaos in her path, the three other men saw what Anoriath was capable of and ran, leaving their men behind. 

Anoriath roared with rage and swore vengeance on the girl who tried to kill him yet failed. He turned over to Luna and Katelyn who were not in shock or despair but looked calm. They knew he was a good person on the inside and knew that he only killed because he had to. Katelyn laughed and looked at her shoulder ''This scar won't ever go will it.'' Anoriaths soft and gentle voice replied, ''No, unfortunately not, yet it will fade, but won't ever disappear. '' He clenched his fists again and looked to the floor, his hair falling over his eyes as the sound of tears fell to the floor. He sighed and looked back up as the tears falling down from his eyes and onto his cheeks were making them red. ''I'm sorry for getting you involved in this. I bet you want your normal lives back, huh?'' The girls both shook their heads. ''No, we'd rather be with our best friend helping him through his time in need.'' Luna came forth and smiled ''I'd rather help you rather than being at home just as an ordinary kid with an ordinary life.'' These words that Luna spoke to Anoriath was like music to his ears and he smiled and faced them both ''Thank you so much.'' They both smiled as Luna said another phrase which caught his attention. ''Maybe this world is fucked up and the Kiliro nor IAK can see it, but only you can because you are accepted in both societies as Kiliro and Human.'' Anoriath went into deep thought again for a couple of seconds and sighed before looking out of a window to the night sky. ''Maybe I can see it, maybe I'm the only one who can stop this conflict.'' Luna smiled as she looked over to Katelyn who had fallen asleep in a small corner of the building, she seemed calm. Luna then approached Anoriath and turned his head towards her. ''I'd not want to go back because I'd hate not knowing if you were safe.'' She blushed slightly and thought for a second. She then stood on her tip toes as she leant towards Anoriaths head and pushed his hair back, their lips touching as the shared a kiss.

(Thank you all for reading this, I apologise for the long pause but I'm back now and more chapters will be arriving more often.}

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