Chapter 1

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  Just a quick warning, I like steamy romances, so please don't read on if you're not into sex scenes in your stories.

  There may also be a bit of swearing. Or a lot. 

  Some darker issues will be addressed too.


  "As today is my sons eighteenth birthday we'll be holding the manhood initiation straight after dinner." 

  Hammer, the Alpha, stood at the head of an eight seater table and addressed the fourteen soldiers trying to squeeze around it. 

  He nodded to a tall warrior with shoulders that were too broad for his rangy frame. "After tonight Rock, we will all know what you are made of," he smirked and the other warriors chuckled. 

  It was a mean sound and Izzy shivered.

  Yes, tonight another soulless bully would be inducted into the ranks of the MVP's. Yay.

  She was waiting at the doorway for permission to put food on the table and the other slaves were pressed in around her, holding platters of meat and roast veg.

  Izzy had a steaming hot bowl of stew which was burning her hands and she wished the alpha would just get on with it. Yes it was his asshole sons birthday, everyone knew it already, but if he didn't hurry up the food would get cold. Three guesses as to who would be blamed for that. 

  The Alpha jerked his head and his son came to stand beside him.

  Isabella saw with a start that Rock was actually taller than his father. Once he filled out, he would be a physical match for their fearless leader. The thought made Izzy uneasy. The pack didn't need an even stronger, more fanatical version of Alpha Hammer.

  "We'll be hunting game tonight, but Rock will need a female to mount soon, so we'll go through the bitches in McAndrew's Pack tomorrow. They've got more than they need, we'll raid them if he wont cooperate."

  "Yes sir." Rocks eyes were so pale they were creepy, and they lightened further in excitement. What sort of freak got turned on by killing a whole pack just to get a look at it's females? Because that's what would happen if McAndrew wouldn't submit.

  Hammer's pack had no allies in this world, they took what they wanted and gave nothing in return. They prided themselves in being more ruthless, more bloodthirsty than any of the other wolves and needed little to survive. Hammers wolves didn't eat fancy food or wear nice clothes and they didn't cherish their mates or children, because they saw all these things as weaknesses that could be used against them. 

  Rock met her stare and she froze for a moment before dropping her eyes. His growl made her hunch over further as she braced herself for whatever was coming. 

  Looking into the eyes of a warrior was just asking for trouble, they went crazy over any little sign that someone was challenging their dominance.

  Hammer laughed, "He's eager to fight. Let's see how keen he is after tonight, hey?"

  Again with that nasty laughter. 

  Were the sadistic bastards anticipating hurting the alphas son? Is that why they seemed so eager? Part of Rocks manhood ceremony included a beating or a brawl, all fourteen soldiers on a single juvenile. Izzy didn't know much about it, except that the males who went through their manhood ceremony were in bad shape the next morning and often took days to recover. 

  Not that they were allowed to rest and recuperate though, because, you know, 'pain does not exist in this dojo'.

  She peeked up through her hair and sure enough, Rock was still staring at her with a look that promised retribution. His face remained expressionless but his eyes... they were so ugly, like zombie eyes. Except his skin was too dark for a zombie. The contrast between his brown skin and his almost white eyes made them look even creepier.

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