Chapter 18

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AN: Still fast drafting, so there will be short chapters and lots of mistakes, I'll fix it all and beef it up when I edit. It would be great if you could comment when you notice any plot holes, spelling and grammar mistakes, or other awkwardness's, because it will make the editing much easier, thanks :)

  Izzy's POV

  He licked his lips and his pupils expanded and contracted like he was on drugs or something.


  "Get off me asshole," she interrupted, then grunted, her breath whooshing out as his weight sank into her even deeper.

  "Soft," he growled.

  Fuck, how was she supposed to deal with the one-track-mind of his wolf, when it was hard enough to keep her own animal back? The silly creature was painfully eager to come out and fawn all over her mate. While she wanted to play bow and bite on his jaw like a puppy, she also wanted to play more adult games.
  Her wolf wanted to tease and challenge him, to bring out his dominance, so he would lay the full weight of his halo on her. This was the prelude to mounting and mating.

  The thought of being dominated had her wolf so excited...  and even though Izzy was forced to feel her emotions, she couldn't understand why her animal would enjoy such humiliation. Did she have some primal instinct that needed the male to prove his strength before mating? Or was it in their genes that the females be lesser than the males in their patriarchal society?

  Fuck that.

  "Alright Rocks wolf," she said impatiently, "you've proved you're a badass who can overcome a weak, defenseless female," she said sarcastically, "you've got me, I can't run away, so how about you let me talk to your human skin for a minute?"

  Rock growled and stuck his face in her neck, inhaling deep, which sent a rush of warm tingles down her chest. Her request had the opposite effect to what she was hoping.
  The wolf was getting a little too interested, and when he started to suck on the spot where her neck met her shoulder, she knew she was in trouble.

  "Rock," she panted, squeezing her legs together to try and ease the ache caused by the rhythmic sucking on her flesh. "Rock, if you mark me the alpha will know."

  His only answer was another growl and he pressed his teeth deep into her skin. He kept his mouth open and didn't bite, but the pressure, combined with the firm suction of his mouth, had her writhing uncontrollably.
  Her mind went hazy as her body came alive, responding to his mouth like she was Pavlovs dog.
  Apparently hating your mate didn't stop the drive to procreate.

  His teeth dug in, and even though she didn't want him to mark her, her body responded to the sensation and shot a powerful burst of pleasure through her.
  Did he just give her a spontaneous orgasm? 

  Like, seriously. Did she literally have an orgasm from Rock sucking on her neck? No jokes.

  She gritted her teeth and tried to keep the embarrassing moaning and thrashing to a minimum, as her body convulsed.
  It was the strangest feeling to have an orgasm that was entirely divorced from her mind. It was physical only.
  She lay limp when the pulses finally eased, her brain blank from the shock.

  That was not possible. Surely. How the fuck did it happen? Surely clitoral manipulation was essential to reach completion? It always had been before.

  She'd heard that a female could come from penetration alone when suffering from the heat, as the fever caused her physiology to change somewhat. But she'd never heard that you could come from a bite. And not even a mating bite, since his teeth hadn't lengthened enough to break the skin.

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