Chapter 17

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AN: The last installment was way too slow to publish and way too long ( I ended up cutting out about 2000 words when I was editing it), so I've decided to experiment with fast-drafting. I warn you now, the next chapters will be shorter and probably contain a multitude of errors, but I'm determined to get this story out there! 

Here goes! 

Izzy's POV

  These warriors were pigs, not wolves, their cabins were complete sties.

  Izzy scrubbed vigorously, wishing for an industrial strength cleaner instead of the vinegar, baking soda and tea tree oil she had to work with. It didn't leave behind the powerful chemical odor of commercial products, so was easier on the noses of sensitive wolves, but it took a hell of a lot more scrubbing than if she'd had bleach and Jiff.

  This guy had to be the worst of them, as he marked the single roomed cabin with urine, but also seemed to have an endless supply of sperm that he liked to spread about. The hormone payload was so high from the two substances, that the rank smell actually made her dizzy. 

  He didn't used to be so gross, this only started happening a couple of months ago.His wolf was desperate to draw in it's female by the copious use of scent. Because of Hammers strict breeding rules, the guy had to confine his increasingly anti-social mate-searching behaviors to his cabin, and by the state of it he wasn't far off becoming feral.

  Izzy ran out the door and gagged, then waited a few minutes before she cautiously returned, her stomach still churning. It had been sensitive all afternoon, ever since the pure had found her and Rock in the school lavs. 


  He'd left Izzy sprawled on the counter like a slut, and she'd felt dumped like a piece of trash.

  He didn't speak to her when he left, but she heard him greet one of the pack bitches outside the door. Izzy had frozen in shock, frightened of being discovered by the female, only to learn that they'd already been seen. Fear had turned to pain as she listened to the explanation Rock was giving Patience.

  If they were humans she would have hoped he was lying to cover their asses. But they weren't human, they were wolves, and they could see, hear and smell the signs of a lie. So, everything he said had been true.

  She was happy he'd reminded her of what he really was, an entitled, sycophantic asshole, but as much as she told herself that, the pain of her mates betrayal cut through her like a knife.
  She'd let herself be seduced by the mating urge, and underestimated the strength of the feelings that accompanied the bond. She'd thought what she felt was just lust, but the stupid bond had made it more than that.

  Izzy trudged back into the cabin and took her anger out on the floor, imagining it was Rocks head and that the scrubbing brush was a cheese grater.

  The fuckwit deserved every painful slice of skin she was taking off his pretty face. She would start on his genitals next, she decided.

  When the cabin was finished she reluctantly went on to the next one on the circuit.

  The warriors slept out in the woods and the small shacks were laid out in a defensive pattern. It meant that even when it wasn't their shift to guard the perimeter, they could watch out for intruders. Unfortunately the next domicile in line was Rocks, and since he'd only been away from it for one night (sitting outside the outhouse while she hid in it), his cabin would still need it's weekly cleaning.

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