Chapter 15

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A/N: Thank you so much racheerach for being my first vote ever! I don't even care if it's just out of kindness, I feel so much more inspired to continue, which is awesome, because I was struggling a bit with writers block.

The problem I've been struggling with has to do with Rock and one of the pure werewolf girls. I hate cheating, but it's part of the original plot that he betrays her. He has a good reason to, he's not just a bipolar asshole that decides to move on and sleep with someone else, but my question for myself, and you, is how far can he go before there's no coming back from it?

'If Rock has sex with someone else, can Izzy ever forgive him? Even if he has a very good reason?'

I don't know if I could. 

If he cheats, is it possible for the heroine to forgive him in the end, without seeming like a spineless twit?

So, I hope that's not too much of a spoiler, but it's something I keep on seesawing on and I would appreciate any feedback before I set the plot in stone.

Sorry it's such a long Authors Note, I'll get back to the good stuff 


  Rock took off his clothes and Izzy's jaw dropped. She hoped she wasn't drooling.

  Good grief, he was enormous in every way.

  Marcus was the biggest guy in school, but he wasn't as tall or as broad as Rock, and his muscles looked softer. 

  Probably because he went to school instead of training all day, every day, the way the Hammer pack juveniles did.

  She'd seen Rock naked the night before, but it had been dark, and while her night vision was good, it couldn't compare to the blessed sunlight. 

  His tan was all over, either because he was naturally brown like his mother, or because the juveniles trained naked. 

  He showed no signs of discomfort when he took his clothes off in front of the whole wolf population of the school (and a few brave humans), and she couldn't help speculating on what it would be like to watch the older juveniles training, if they fought in the nude. 

  But that fantasy would have to wait. She had glorious reality right in front of her.

  His muscles bulged, seeming to swell and harden before her eyes, his ridiculously broad shoulders rising and pulling back and his thighs clenching in a solid stance. 

  His six pack was clearly delineated above the generic black boxer briefs she ordered for the pack males (yes, she did the clothes shopping for the pack. She had to get the Delta to approve the purchases, but basically, she dressed everyone), and she had to applaud her choice.

  It was a practical decision to choose black for the pack clothing, because it didn't show up the bloodstains, but damn it looked good on him. 

  Her mate was huge, and tan, and when he dropped his guard and let his dominance out, her whole body buzzed in response. It created an erotic high that had her nipples tightening and her breasts swelling. 

  She hadn't realized the true meaning of the adage, 'power is an aphrodisiac,' until now. 

  She steadied her breathing but couldn't control the rest of her body's embarrassing responses. Her belly melted and her pussy clenched like an anemone, snapping shut, then flowering again with a liquid gush, over and over.

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