Chapter 60

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"You abducted our kin-"

"They were fair game." Hammer interrupted, not even trying to deny it. "Are you telling me that your Pack doesn't abduct females."

"By their mates! Not to be bred to whoever the Alpha decides!"

"Spare me the outrage." Hammer curled his lip, "I do what's necessary to keep the race pure, you'd be better off following my example."

"There is so much wrong with that..." He shook his head. "Regardless of your questionable stance on ethnic purity, the issue is that you abducted females, children, and wiped out the whole Pack. A pure Pack!" The Southern Alpha was so enraged that she was surprised he didn't attack Hammer in that moment, but he'd been drawn into an argument and, like all Alpha's, was determined to have the last word. "How the fuck was that necessary to your racial cleansing?"

"The males were too weak to defend their territory, they deserved to die." Hammers arrogant contempt had the other male grinding his teeth. "And the females too old to be used as breeding stock were of no use to anyone."

The Southern Alpha growled, his whole body vibrating with rage, his snarls barely discernible as words.
"Today your Pack ends. This is Utu"

Izzy was still stuck on the children. How many did Hammer take from Southland? How old were they now and... who were they?
Ripples of shock disturbed Hammers Pack as many of them learned of what he had done for the first time, but the ease with which they settled into resignation was evidence of the sickness in the soul of the Pack. Acceptance came easily to wolves who had become accustomed to witnessing evil.
They quickly moved on to fear, and the scent of it permeated the air as they looked at the overwhelming odds, and realized Hammer had brought their doom upon them.

Did the Alpha really mean he was going to wipe out the whole Pack, Izzy wondered uneasily? She hoped his words were just for shock value, but the male was so filled with rage that she was afraid that the killing wouldn't be confined to those warriors responsible. Mig had told her the women and children were to be spared, but Izzy was afraid the Southern Alpha's hate would outweigh his conscience.

"You came into our territory." His teeth lengthened, making it hard to understand him. "Attacked unprovoked, killing my kin." He took an unsteady breath. "You stole our blood, and we've come to shed yours." The Alpha's final words rang out over the gathered wolves. Dominance resonated through his voice, blanketing all of the wolves as he used his power to augment the volume.

Izzy had to admit the monologuing was impressive, and she had to wonder if he was performing for a wider audience. Was Chastity still streaming? Or did he have someone of his own Pack recording what was happening here?

Suddenly the Alpha turned his dark gaze on her, and she winced. Her shoulders started to buckle under the weight of his dominance, wilting like leaves. The bastard was more powerful even than Hammer.
She locked her knees and struggled to stay upright.

"I'll let you execute the perversion first." The Southern Alpha sneered at her with contempt. "Or, if you're impatient to die, I'll do it myself. After I've wiped this Pack from the face of the earth."

Hammer growled in response and engaged in the usual Alpha posturing, but she didn't miss the way his eyes narrowed speculatively when he looked at her.
Did he think to use her execution as a distraction while he tried to escape? It was a futile plan if so, all her execution would do was delay the massacre by minutes, everyone could see that Hammer was out of options, except Hammer himself. The whole Pack was out of options.

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