Chapter I: Aftermath

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How can one fight for peace in a world of war?

I joined Overwatch's medical team to help build a better future, one I could have hope on. Throughout my years in this organization, I realized that I was going against my principles. At the same time, I knew I was doing my job, I was healing those who were hurt in combat, I was preparing them to fight for us.

I had blood in my hands, but it wasn't in a bad way.

However, after the King's Row Uprising, I started seeing things from a new perspective. A discovery that made me look at Overwatch and Commander Morrison himself in a totally different way.

I can't say I regret doing what I did, but I wish things could've gone slightly different.

My name is Dr. Angela Ziegler, and this is the story of how I brought Overwatch down.


May 2, 2069
Overwatch Headquarters, Switzerland

We finally came back home after defeating the Null Sector back in London, an event now known as King's Row Uprising. Luckily, we only had some minor injuries in our squad, and I was glad to take care of those I loved.

Cadet Lena Oxton stepped down the orca ship with a huge smile on her face, that had been her first mission, she was proud of herself — and she really should be. Our entire team did a great job fighting Null Sector.

I'm still struggling to understand that sometimes it feels like there's no other way but to use violence against our biggest threats. I had to carry a small blaster with me in case anything happened. I can't really say I was comfortable with it. The idea of me pushing a button and ending someone's life... It's just... It's not human.

— Dr. Ziegler! I just wanted to thank you for taking care of me — said Lena, as she spotted me while she was walking out of the ship.

— Ah, no problem, Cadet! You did a really good job, and you know it! I'm sure Commander Morrison is proud.

As Lena's face was filled with dignity, the rest of the strike team came out the ship: Lieutenant Reinhardt Wilhelm and Engineer Torbjörn Lindholm. Those two best friends kept bragging about their roles in the mission. They were really great people, some of the greatest friends I've ever had, and their relationship was to make any other best friends jealous.

— I'm telling you, Reinhardt — said Torbjörn— those Brits have their heads on straight!

Reinhard replied with a huge laugh, one of his trademarks pretty much, then continued:

— Oh, my friend, we were incredible out there, weren't we?!

— Ah... I can't wait to see my family again... Are you going anywhere, buddie?

— Me? Nah... I was gonna stick around and help Jack with whatever he had to do.

— Stop that! Come with us! Brigitte will be so happy to see you!

Brigitte Lindholm is one of Torbjörn's children. She's one of the sweetest girls I've ever met. I'm so glad she has such admiration for her dad and her Uncle Rein. She once told me she dreamed about becoming an Overwatch agent. She does have potential for it.

Commander Jack Morrison entered the room, giving everyone a warm welcome back. The Blackwatch agents — Commander Gabriel Reyes, Dr. Moira O'Deorain, Jesse McCree and Genji Shimada — were one step behind him.

Blackwatch was Overwatch's secret division — black ops, if you will. They'd go to any fields before the strike team to gather information from their sources and make sure the ground was safe for us.

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