Chapter VII: Doomsday

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August 8, 2070
Overwatch Headquarters, Switzerland

Our ship landed close enough to the headquarters for us to keep control of the situation, but distant enough so we wouldn't be identified.

Moira grabbed a significantly heavy box, handing it over to Sombra.

— Alright, Sombra, you're going inside the HQ to plant these — she opened the box. It was full of yellow bombs with a weird symbol on it... Like a smiling dynamite? Sombra attached some kind of device to the box, making it invisible. — Brilliant. Reyes, go inside the HQ. Keep Morrison in there.

— What about the others? — I asked.

— No time for that. What are you all waiting for?! Let's move, people!

My anger was talking too loud at the moment. It wasn't of me to act like that. I knew I would feel sick the moment that was over.

Gabriel and Sombra stepped down the ship, me and Moira were left alone in there.

— How long have you been planning this? — I teased her.

— No chit-chat allowed, Dr. Ziegler — she said as she messed around some kind of console. A few clicks later, images from the headquarters' CCTV system were there for us. Seeing everyone there, quietly running their resistance errands... It felt like an epiphany.

— Moira... Please... Let's think this through...

— I've had almost ten years to think upon this moment, Dr. Ziegler. Come up with any inspirational speeches you want, they won't stop me.

I decided to sit down. A few minutes later, some cameras started to freeze. Sombra was invisible there, setting the explosives up. The main entrance one showed Gabriel accessing the building.

Moira was setting up some kind of bed with that strange armor on top of it.

— What's that for? — I asked.

— If everything goes as expected, you will find out. I'm not much of a prayer myself, Dr. Ziegler, but, if I were you, I'd start to.

Gabriel requested to enter Jack's chambers, who granted access.

— Gabe... — Jack greeted Gabriel as he entered the room. — Long time, no see.

— Indeed, old friend... — Gabriel sighed. — Indeed.

— You keep going away from our radar... — He kept swirling his scotch around. — Important Blackwatch errands I suppose?

— Life's just been a mess, hasn't it?

Jack replied with a subtle smirk:

— Why can't we just go back?

— Back... where?

— When everything was fine. Before this entire thing, Overwatch, Blackwatch, whatever-watch...

— You mean our army days?

— Yes... Yes, the good old days...

— I miss them too.

The two brothers — you could call them that, especially given Jack's drunk attitude — started recalling their memories from the time they served the US army. Always fighting their good fights together... Until Overwatch was created and the rivalry started. Jesse once said the Retribution was the beginning of the fall of Overwatch, I disagree. I think the organization was created in a fallen state, nothing good could come out from the jealousy of two best friends for each other.

Back on the ship, Moira finished the setup of her mysterious armor bed. I was sitting in a corner, scared. I was literally starting to panic thinking of all my actions, but, again, it was too late. There was no point of regretting it all. Overwatch was shut down for a reason, maybe it was better for it to stay that way. It was never my intention to cause destruction or harm anyone.

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