Chapter V: An Eye for an Eye

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July 14, 2070

It had been over an year since Overwatch was exposed, Amélie disappeared and Gérard was killed, his murderer was still unknown, but everyone was sure it had been his wife and, somehow, Talon was in the mix. Jack was able to come with an agreement with the United Nations to keep all activity going during the investigations. The people, however, were hunting his head. The hate for Overwatch had spread across the globe, people would even call us criminals... It was hell for me. All this time passed by and me and Jack still hadn't the courage to exchange words. We were also able to finally arrest Akande, keeping him on one of the world's most secure facilities. Talk about a tough year.

There was an ongoing field mission on Egypt, lead by Captain Ana Amari with her own strike team. In a sniper duel with a Talon enemy — whose identity I would learn later — Ana was seriously injured in her eye, and all her team perished.

As time went by, we did not hear from Ana anymore. We sent search groups to Egypt for about two weeks, they couldn't find anything related to her. She was gone.

Confirming to her daughter, Fareeha, that her mother was presumably dead was the toughest part of the process. She was, yet, a tough girl, who was proud to follow her mother's legacy. Although not able to join Overwatch anymore, Fareeha would still fight for peace the way she was able to, in honor of her mother.


August 5, 2070
United Nations Headquarters, USA

Shortly after the search group for Ana was disbanded, the UN summoned a meeting with Overwatch officials — including Jack and Gabriel — to give their verdict upon the future of Overwatch.

They introduced the Petras Act: a document suspending all Overwatch activity worldwide. It was still going to be decided if the agents were going to be prosecuted.

The entire world was following the meeting, broadcast live on every screen of the planet. I will never forget the anger, yet guiltful, face Jack had while trying to defend Overwatch's existence, while Gabriel was just... there, accepting what was happening.

August 6, 2070
Overwatch Headquarters, Switzerland

The Overwatch members who had just arrived from New York were greeted by a crowd protesting in front of the HQ. They were all holding signs asking for the immediate disband of the organization, cheering about the United Nations' recent decision.

The orders were clear: evacuate all Overwatch facilities and cease its activities. Of course Jack would resist. When he came back from the United States, he formed a resistance group, occupying the Swiss headquarters, not giving up their connection to the organization. Other agents, including Jesse, Genji, Reinhardt, Torbjörn and Lena, decided it was better for them to quit.

I felt particularly bad for Genji. He never wanted this life Overwatch forced him to have — yet that's partially his brother's fault. He would live through constant pain and conflict with himself. After departing, he told me he was going to find peace with a monk he had met once in a mission back in Nepal. His name was Zenyatta, one of the follower's of Mondatta, a great peace leader. I could only hope he was, indeed, going to find peace.

Another Overwatch facility, Watchpoint: Gibraltar, was lead by Winston, a genetically advanced monkey who is also a brilliant scientist. Everyone there decided to leave too, while he decided to stay, but, unlike Jack, Winston wasn't creating a resistance. That was just his home.

Moira and Gabriel decided to keep their positions, while I was still unsure about giving up mine, but I felt it was the right thing to do, so I decided to finally talk to Jack properly after all this time... and resign.

As I was about to enter his chambers, Moira stopped me.

— Dr. Ziegler! May I have a minute of your attention?

— Moira... Hi. Um, I'm about to do something... important. Could you wait?

— Don't do this, Angela — I didn't know how to reply to that. Did my face gave away that easily I was going to quit? — Trust me, remaining a member of Overwatch might come in handy for you in the future.

— What do you mean? — She kept talking to me on that weird tone, I honestly didn't know how to react, she was trying to lure me into something.

— Why don't you come with me?

Everything felt weird about that conversation. I insisted I was busy, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. As I turned my back to her to open Jack's door, she shot me with a sleep dart.


— Maybe now you'll listen to me, Ziegler? — I heard from Moira as I tried to regain consciousness.

As I opened my eyes, I could see Moira and Gabriel standing right in front of me. Blackwatch logos on the walls, I was still at our headquarters, tied up to a cold metal chair.

— W-what is going on here?

— Angela — Gabriel started — we think it's time for you to learn the truth.

— Before edgelord here says anything, I want to personally thank you, Ziegler. If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have come this far so easily.

— "We?" — I questioned, confused.

— Angela... — I could feel the slight tone of regret on his voice. — We are with Talon.

As Gabriel's voice echoed into my ears, my entire body started shaking in fear. I was helping the enemy this entire time? And the enemy was... my friend?

— What are you... What?! — I couldn't even finish a sentence. I mean, I always felt something was wrong, especially after that day after the Uprising, but would never guess it would go this far.

— We need you, Ziegler — Moira continued. — Well, not need, need you. But you would be a welcome resource — how touching. — You will fly with us to Venice — she turns her eyes to Gabriel — where we shall discuss the final part of our plan.

— What plan?

She replied with a subtle laugh.

Gabriel and I exchanged looks, he was slightly ashamed, while I was terrified. As Moira shouted his name, he escorted me to Blackwatch's orca ship.

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