Chapter VI: Suicide Squad

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August 7, 2070
Venice, Italy

We landed in a well hidden location to avoid possible riots, given the visible Blackwatch markings on our ship. Gabriel, Moira and I walked to the Talon headquarters.

The building itself was marvelous. How could they hide such place in plain sight? There were even secret underground pathways leading to different parts of the city, maybe that's how they were able to almost stop Blackwatch during the Retribution.

They escorted me to a type of meeting room and told me to take a sit. Gabriel sat by me. Moira walked out of the room, returning shortly after, bringing someone with her... Someone I knew... I couldn't believe my own eyes... Behind her was Amélie Lacroix. But she was... different. She seemed out of herself, but the weirdest thing was her face: her skin was blue, and her eyes were bright yellow. I could feel that wasn't her anymore.

— Amélie... — I gasped. — What—

— Meet, Dr. Ziegler — Moira prideful replied as she walked towards Amélie — subject #94 from Blackwatch's Advanced Medical Testing Program.

— Don't tell me... — I turned my attention to Gabriel, who was looking down in guilt. He knew what Moira had ordered Amélie to do. — Gabe... Don't tell me she—

— Yes, Angela, yes! — He stood up in anger. — O'Deorain — he briefly looked at her — as requested by Blackwatch, ordered the Amélie's kidnap and secretly included her in our AMT program. Talon placed Amélie inside the Overwatch headquarters that day. And then you released her—

— Sentencing Gérard to death — I concluded, then took a deep breath. — Reyes, how COULD YOU?!

— Chill now, hermana. — A strange, yet familiar, female voice echoed from nowhere. I couldn't identify who it was or where it was coming from, but the Talon members' faces said they knew who it was. Then, this woman walked into the room. — Gabe only did what he had to do. As usual.

— You... Have we met before?

— I don't think so. But you've probably seen me roaming around the Overwatch headquarters a few times, delivering information requested by your honorable Commander Morrison and Captain Amari.

— Meet Sombra, Dr. Ziegler — Gabriel interrupted.

— I've... I've heard of you before — I added, slightly confused.

— Ah, querida, who hasn't?

Sombra is the most wanted cyber criminal on the face of the Earth. She's able to hack anything — and anyone. She's as dirty as Blackwatch or Talon, so I wasn't really shocked to know Jack and Ana used her to gather information too. I was already expecting the reveal of Talon and Overwatch being the same organization at that point — I mean, they did share a couple members afterall.

— Good to see you on board, Sombra — said Moira.

— On board? — Sombra laughed. She had such a smug tone on her voice. — This is pure quid pro quo, my friend. You do your part, I do mine, we follow separate ways. Call it a happy ending.

— Whatever suits you — Moira agreed. — Are we settled?

— Settled on what?! — Always the last one to learn about something, no matter what organization I was in.

— Alright, people — Moira opened — this is the moment we all waited for. This is when we bring Overwatch down. I will be in charge of this mission since Akande fell. We're all going back to Switzerland with Sombra. There, you will follow my instructions to sabotage the HQ, with the help of an Aussie friend of mine, if I may. Reyes, I'll explain the bait process to you better on our way — Gabriel nodded his head. — Grand. Tomorrow, a new age for Talon, and the world, begins — she got closer to us. — Do not disappoint me.

Moira escorted Amélie back to her medical chambers and retreated himself out of the room. Gabriel took me to our accommodations.


Two bunk beds in a small room. Me and Gabriel took the lower ones. He was once again staring at the floor, lost on his thoughts.

— Gabriel... What are we doing?

— I'm not proud of it, Angela, I'm not — he slowly put his head up. — But I'm lost. There's nothing left in my life anymore. Don't be mistaken: Jack hired Moira knowing what she would do there. I would not be surprised if he's being updated of every Talon movement as we speak. He's as dirty as we all are.

— I'm not—

— For God's sake, Angela, you leaked the goddamn document! You were the opener for all of this!

He was right. I created all this mess, and now I had to finish it how they wanted me to. It had always been part of their plan. Now that I think of it, Moira could've easily opened Genji's files all those times trying to make me read one of them. Apparently, time chose the right moment for it to happen. I had taken the bait. Now it was too late. If only I could go back in time...

No. See? That's the problem with most people — including me. — We always think "oh, if only I could go back." No. To hell with that. It's time to start thinking: how can this change the future?

I spent the night awake thinking upon that. Slowly, I started to see why Talon wanted to bring Overwatch down so badly. My hate for Commander Morrison took over me. I wasn't doing this for peace anymore. This was revenge. Revenge for all my years I gave to Overwatch just to have my principles taken away from me in a split second. Revenge for Morrison's weak administration that ruined our lives.

If I was going down, I was gonna take everyone else with me.

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