Chapter III: Partners in Crime

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As I quietly walked into his office, Jack wouldn't stop giving me this weird look. He looked at me and I could feel this... this anger. I could feel I was in trouble, but for what?

— Sit down — he ordered, not moving an inch of his body. He was completely serious.

— Jack, what... — I tried to ask as I was sitting down, until I was interrupted.

— It's Commander Morrison, Dr. Ziegler — yes, yes that hurt. — I want to know — he turned his monitor so I could see it, my name was under some kind of list — who let you access Blackwatch files.

— No... No one. I was logging my mission report and I saw Genji's open, I just wanted to...

— God, damn it, Shimada! — Jack was nervous, and it broke my heart to know why. — Whatever you saw, that is classified, Dr. Ziegler, and I count on your professionalism — He couldn't take his eyes out of the file I was holding. — You wanted to show me something?

So he knew about Blackwatch's dark side and he was okay with it? My world just kept crashing down even more. Of course, I hesitated to show him the file. I decided not to listen to Gabriel and trust my image of "Commander Jack Morrison," an image that was destroyed on that brief meeting. Jack knew. Everyone knew. My world had fallen. And Overwatch was going to fall as well.

— No, ah, not really. These are just some medical reports I'm gonna study with my team. Everything's fine. Thank you, sir — I got up and starting walking away.

— Remember, Dr. Ziegler, discretion.


Moira was still at Gabriel's room.

— Isn't it funny? — Moira teased.

— What is?

— She was a huge part of building Blackwatch, yet she doesn't know the dirt we put our hands in. Now I see why Morrison chose me, she breaks down so easi...

— Moira... shut... up.

— Calm down, twenty-four, calm down.

— Don't... call me like THAT!

Gabriel shouted in pain as his entire body turned into this smoke-shaped entity, like a ghost. Moira stood there, looking at him with a prideful face as his "eyes" were glowing in a bright yellow, she could only think of one word: "excellent."

After a few seconds, he went back to normal, all the "smoke" evidence was gone, like he had healed.

— What... What did you do to me?!

— Ah, Gabe... This... This is only the beginning — Moira walked behind Gabriel, she had a sleep dart that belonged to Captain Ana Amari, then applied it on him.

— Ah! Moira, what the... — Gabriel started to pass out.

— Don't worry, Reyes. It's time to get what you always wanted — Gabriel dropped to the floor. — It's time to bring Overwatch down.


Gabriel's vision was slowly becoming clear.

He realizes he's in a dark room, tied to a chair. The only source of light was a lamp hanging from the ceiling.

He wasn't at the Overwatch headquarters anymore.

The metal door, apparently the only access to that small room, opens. He couldn't make out who was coming out of it, his only reaction was to call for Moira.

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