Chapter IV: Beginning of the End

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At the end of the ceremony, Jack was still trying to reach me. He had left a message on my voicemail:

"Ziegler, where the hell are you? I swear to God, if you do anything stup... Lieutenant Wilhelm, congr..."

Right before the ceremony ended, Atlas issued a breaking news report that aired in every holovideo on the face of the Earth, even on the ones in the event hall:


"We just received an anonymous report from a reliable source about Overwatch's most recent mission in London. This document talks about torture, murder and a lot of other stuff that makes us question: what the hell is going on under their watch?

"Please stay with us as we return at any moment with new information. In the meantime, Overwatch... Commander Morrison, you have some explaining to do."

And I had to face him the next morning.


May 3, 2069
Overwatch Headquarters, Switzerland

An holovideo inside the HQ was showing a new report from Atlas:

"More on Overwatch, ladies and gentlemen. We've been getting reports all night long from trustful sources about corruption inside the organization. UN representatives have been following all this..."

Suddenly, all holovideos were shut down and Jack's voice takes over the comms.

"This is Commander Morrison. I ask every Overwatch personnel to, please, head to the conference hall where I'll be holding an official press release about the recent accusations."

I was still in shock. But why was everyone suddenly trying to bring Overwatch down? That wasn't my intention, I just wanted justice.


Venice, Italy

Gabriel enters Talon's conference room, in there were Moira and Akande staring through a window — the window where Antonio had fallen through after being fatally shot by Gabriel one year ago.

— Did you hear the news?

— Good morning for you too, Dr. O'Deorain — he replies as he walks towards the coffee machine.

— Ziegler is such a fool, I can't believe she gave in that easily. And she questioned me when I suggested we should do that.

— She acts too much out of emotion And, unfortunately — he takes a sip — so do I.

— Talking about emotions — interrupted Akande — we need to introduce you to someone.

As they arrived to what I think I can describe as the medical area of the building, Gabriel sees a woman who appears to be under coma.

— Is that...

— Let me introduce you — said Akande — to Amélie Lacroix.

That was Gérard Lacroix's wife. Gabriel's last remaining friend's wife. She had been missing for over three weeks now.

— What has she been doing here?! — He shouted to Moira.

— Meet... subject #94.

Talon tried murdering Gérard several times, even at the Roman HQ attack, but they'd always fail. This time, they decided to kidnap his wife, Amélie, and use her against him.

— W-What are you gonna do?

— This is where you put your personal wishes aside, Reyes, and focus on what is really important.

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