"I need a good luck kiss"

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It's Sarah, who walks in on them behind the stage.

The light is dim and the air filled with hushed voices. Everyone is busy and preparing things that have to be prepared before the show starts. A few people with headsets walk past her, greeting her with friendly smiles.

She's already wearing her stage-outfit - white floral trousers, a blouse and a cute jacket with a large bow at the front. It's her favourite so far. Her dark hair is pulled up into a long shiny pony tail.

She pushes a black door open und walks down another hallway. Here she's completely alone and the light is even dimmer, the noises suddenly far away.

She volunteered to go search for Harry because the show is starting soon and he's still not where he's supposed to be.

But she has a pretty good idea where he could be, and especially with whom. (Clare had told her all about the cute boy with the caramel hair who flew over this morning to watch their show (Harrys show, really) and stay two days.

Apparently, he ate lunch with them today and Sarah would have loved to be there and meet him, but she had been visiting a friend who lives here in Amsterdam and only came back around two hours ago, nearly missing the soundcheck.)

She can hear their voices even bevor she rounds the corner, but she can't make out the words yet. In the doorway to one of the rooms she stops.

There's little furniture in it, just a few tables with water bottles on top and a few old-fashioned looking couches, randomly placed in the middle. They're seated on one of them, intertwined with each other, no space between them.

Harry is wearing his stage-outfit just like her, looking fashionable and hot in what she heard is called the "glam rock Victorian prince" outfit. His hairdo on the other hand is pretty much ruined, probably caused by the small hands, that are buried in the chocolate-brown curls.

The boy half on top of him is wearing a black shirt with black skinny jeans and Vans, building a rather harsh contrast to Harrys cloths. Sarah can't help but stare at his slim waist, curved hips and pretty big bum. Like, pretty and big. Like, okay, she's jealous now.

She knew Harrys famous boyfriend, whom he talks about 24/7, would be here with him and she's seen thousands of pictures of him on Harrys phone, but it's the first time she sees him for real. Like, in reality.

He's smaller then she had imagined, even though Harry had told her he was. He's also prettier then on the pictures and if she were into boys, she would have fallen in love right there, looking at his ass. Thank God, she's not. Harry might have fired her or something.

She can't help but smile and observe them for a little while.

Louis (the name reminds her of a prince and of a French shoe brand, she can't decide) is talking about something she doesn't get, involving inside jokes, people she doesn't know and places she never heard off.

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