What Fake Friends Do

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1) Make you believe everything is your fault. You decorated a party together and the comments were bad? It's your fault. Nothing is ever their fault and they will look for any little thing to blame you for, believe me.

2) Ditch you when someone else comes along. You two could be talking about your hopes and dreams, but when someone like their crush or other friend you probably don't know comes along, you are now known as history.

3) Never hang out with you unless they get something out of it. If your hangout doesn't involve a trip to Washington or Vegas, they couldn't care less.

4) Gossip about you. You'll know it was them who gossiped if they were the only person you told and now suddenly everyone is asking how you are after your big fall in class.

5) Betray your trust. They'll give away your information, like your phone number, without your consent, or tell lies about you, and not realize why you care so much.

6) Pick fights. They will always want to have the last word in any argument, no matter what it is about.

7) Bully you. In a way, fake friends are bullies, whether they realize it or not. They will drag you down with them in any way they can and want to see you drown. They will make you feel worthless.

8) Try to change you. Your opinions, your hair, your clothes, your smile, your confidence. They are jealous. Only change can get rid of their jealousy.

9) Never mention you in public. Real friends are not afraid to say who their friends are to others.

10) Not invite you to things. This one hurts. If there's a party and everyone goes that you did not know about, your "friends" did not invite you. ):

If you are not 100% satisfied with your friends, and they're awful towards you, leave them. You do not need toxic people in your life to cut you down. Believe me, I know.

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