Free Speech or Hate Speech?

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This chapter was inspired by a chapter by DarkPH0T0N .

In America, each and every one of us has the right to free speech. It is guaranteed in the amendments. Sometimes, though, the line between hate speech and free speech gets fuzzy.

Technically, the KKK is allowed to rally and say whatever they want as long as it doesn't support or stir up violence towards another individual. Do I like the KKK? No. Do I support the KKK? Of course not. They're ignorant racists who say they are Christian yet don't act like it, and that is the bottom line.

The KKK had about 10,000 non-member supporters and about 1,500 active members in 1975. To put it simply, the KKK hates everyone who isn't them:

Duke also revamped the Klan's particular brand of bigotry. No longer a mere horde of cross-burning minority-haters, the Knights, like many other American hate groups, became "Nazified" — focused on Jews rather than blacks as the primary enemy — with Duke spinning elaborate theories about everything from Jewish control of the Federal Reserve to a Jewish conspiracy behind the civil rights movement. Likewise, the leadership of state KKKK chapters boasted a pantheon of budding neo-Nazi figures, including notorious anti-Semite Don Black in Alabama, White Aryan Resistance founder Tom Metzger in California, and David Lane, a future leader of the terrorist group The Order, in Colorado.

However, any rally they have is legal under United States law as long as no one incites violence or commits an act of violence:

The July 2017 rally in Charlottesville was authorized by officials in Virginia and more than 200 state and local police officers patrolled the scene. The city said 23 people were arrested.

The KKK is hateful, and I hate what they believe, but they are allowed to believe it, friends.

And just because free speech is allowed does not mean you can walk around and hurt other people's feelings just to do it. That's terrible.

If I were to say, everyone with red hair is a witch, as was believed in Medieval Times, and to kill them, that's illegal hate speech. That goes beyond free speech and that infringes on the rights of anyone with red hair. It's disgusting and uncalled for.

Everyone has a right to exist. Everyone in America has a right to speak, but please use your words for good. Have a wonderful day and God bless.


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