c. four

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[ if you could give "complicated" a read, that'd be much appreciated. you should enjoy this chapter, because it's just harry and niall bonding. (:

dedicated to mmkayitsnarry because i consider her the narry goddess. just saying. x ]


After having sit in silence for a long time after the whole "champagne incident," it was Harry who finally broke the silence.

"Hey Niall?" Harry was sitting criss-cross, and was now facing Niall with a small smile on his face. Not one that showed his dimples, but was still cute enough to make Niall coo inside.

"Yes?" Niall had his knees pulled up to his chest and was hugging them tight. He had been staring off into space, thinking about what his life would be like now and making up scenarios of him and Harry that would never come true.

"Do you have any nicknames?"

This question was a shock to Niall. He had expected Harry to ask if he was hungry or something.

"Um... Some people called me 'Ni' back at the boys' house, and some people called me 'Nialler' but I don't really consider that a nickname."


Niall couldn't help but smile because for some reason, that sounded so good coming out of Harry's mouth.

"Yeah, that's what they called me."

"I like it. Sorry if I'm about to ask you a bunch of questions, but I want to get to know you."

Niall blushed a bit. "Really?" he asked in a small, shy voice, much like the one he used when he first talked to Harry back in the car.

"Well, of course! I mean, I'm about to have you for the rest of my life. That sounds a little bit weird, I know, but it's the truth. And that also means that I have forever to get to know you, but I'd like to know some basic things before we sleep under the same roof."

After he nodded, Niall replied, "I understand. But can I also ask questions about you?"

"Sure. Alright, do you have any siblings?"

"I don't really know my family. Any people that are in the Picking houses are usually taken away from their families at birth." Niall should be sad about this, but considering he had a whole new family composed of everyone in the boys building, he wasn't

"That sucks. Um, do you have any hidden talents or anything?"

"I can play guitar really well. I'm self taught. But I can also sing. At least, not entirely terrible."

"Nope, sorry, I'm going to be the singer in this relationship!" And although Harry had a grin on his face, Niall's heart practically stopped.

"R-relationship?" Suddenly Niall was no longer comfortable with talking to Harry. He didn't know why, in the short period of time they were talking, he was able to chat so freely. But now he was back in his shell.

"I mean, that's what we have, right?"

"But w-what do ya mean by... relationship?"

"Niall, relationship doesn't necessarily mean that we're romantically involved. A relationship can be a friendship. For example, what is my relationship to, let's say, Troye Sivan? I've met him before, he's a cool youtuber, so I'd say our relationship is a friendship. Do you get it?"

"Yeah, I get it. But... you meant... romantically, right?" Niall was trying not to turn red, because that would be around ten times Harry has seen him the color of tomato in just two hours or so.

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