Act I Scene XII

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Hey Ally Cat, You Fucked up

Derek's pack left, along with Lydia. It's just Scott Stiles and Melissa. Stiles is asleep in a
chair, Melissa is just staring, and Scott is pacing. He is terrified. They said she went into shock

A knock at the door jolts everyone up. Allison stands there. Stiles stands and rushes at
her, only stopping from Scotts arm.

"You did this!" He screams, "You did this to her!" Stiles collapse to the ground in sobs.

"I... I," Allison can't seem to find words, ears collect in her eyes. Melissa looks up,
disappointment in her eyes.

"Why?" The elder women's voice disintegrates, "Why my baby?"

"I... I can't do this, I'm sorry," Allison flees, Scott chasing after her. Melissa wraps her
arms around Stiles. They cry together for their lost love.


Embry is in surgery. She has been for about an hour now.

"We have a code blue! I repeat a code blue!" The voices comes over the intercom, "All unneeded doctors, report to surgery room three!"

"Three," Melissa's voice shakes, "That.... that's Embry's room." Stiles freezes. Her heart stopped again. What if it doesn't start back up again? Melissa drops to the floor on her knees, Scott wrapping an arm around her.

"My baby!" Melissa cries out, a scream following, "Not my baby..." Stiles sits back in his chair. Covering his ears as he starts crying.


The doctors said Embry somehow revived herself. She went into shock but came back. Without any help.

Stiles sits in Embry's hospital room. His hand clutching hers like his life line. Scott is calling the others, telling them about her condition. Melissa is getting some food. As Stiles is dosing off, a gasp wakes him. Embry's eyes fly open, glowing gold for a split second before turning green.

"Stiles? Scott? Wheres Matt? Who's dead?" Embry starts spouting off question.

"Embry?" Stiles voice is just above a whisper.

"Stiles?" A grin etches across Embry's face, "Stiles." She tries to hug him, but is held back by by tubes and cords.

"Embry," Stiles wraps Embry in a hug. Embry breathes in the boy. Chocolate, warmth, and mint.

"What happened?" Embry asks as they pull away, her hands playing with Stiles fingers.

"Everyone's alive. We all made it. The Argents are taking care of Matt and the Kanima. They got away," Stiles looks anywhere but her eyes.

"Stiles, are you okay?" Embry bends her head to look in his bloodshot eyes.

"No," A breathy laugh comes out of his mouth, "you were shot. By Allison, the one who is supposed to be your friend. You have been unconscious the whole time. You've died about three times today. You got out of surgery about an hour ago and now you're awake. Even after I thought you were going to die."

"I'm sorry," Embry's lips get tucked between her teeth. Stiles laughs a bit.

"Even when your about to die, you're still sorry," Stiles presses his lips to Embry's hand.

"Have they found him yet?" Embry shifts her eyes to the small cut on Stiles neck.

"Not that I know off. Hey, um, I'm gonna go get Scott, okay?" Embry nods as Stiles stands, "If you're dead when I get back, I'll kill you." Embry giggles as Stiles leaves the room. The girl feels great. Which is weird for just getting shot about 7-8 hours ago. Embry sighs and leans back. A strange smell coming to her nose. It smells gross, and weird. A nurse wheels something by her door. A pale blue hand hanging from the side. Embry gags and hold her nose. Death. That's what she smelt.

"Embry?" Scott and Melissa run into the room, "How are you feeling? Are you okay?" Embry fiddles with her fingers.

"I'm okay. Are you guys?" Stiles stands at the door. A small smile on his face.

"Yeah, we're all alright Embry," Melissa smooths out Embry's hair, "How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good," Ms. McCall presses her hand against Embry's forehead, "Actually really good." Embry's lips form a thin line.

"You were just shot," Melissa raises her eyebrows.

"I know, it's weird," Embry chuckles.

"Hey, I'm gonna tell the others your okay. Stiles, come with me," Scott walks from the room.

"Dude, she just woke up-"

"Stiles," Scott widens his eyes and motions for the door.

"Fine, whatever," Stiles sighs and follows. Embry strains her ears.

"Stiles, something's off," Scott is pacing.

"Yeah, your sister just got shot. Of course something's going to be off," Stiles sounds frustrated.

"No, something smells... Just... different. And she feels fine? She just got shot, you said it yourself, she should be hurting, you know?" Scott sound exasperated.

"Okay then, what are you saying?"

"Before Derek left, when he pulled me aside, he said she probably won't make it. Said if he bit her, there was a 50/50 chance she would defiantly survive. I said no. What if he did it anyway?" Embry recoils from her mother touch. Snapping from her trance.

"Embry? You zoned, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah. I'm good," Embry puts on fake smile. Someone knocks on the door.

"Hey," Jackson stands there, holding a lily flower. Embry smiles, she remembers telling the Kanima that they were her favorite, "Can I come in?" Jackson look like he's in pain. Like a wounded puppy.

"Yeah," A warm smiles spread across Embry's face.

"I... I just wanted to say sorry for running out of here earlier. Lydia called and told me about your surgery. Are you okay?" Jackson sits in the chair on the other side of her. Melissa leans back. She knows what this kid is.

"Yeah. I'm alright. And it's fine. I understand. You were scared," Embry places a hand on Jacksons.

"He-here. This is for you," Jackson hands her the flower, "I remember you saying they were your favorite."

"Thank you. Not just for the flower. Thanks for bringing me here last night," Jackson stares at the floor, unresponsive, "Jackson?"

The boys head snaps up, he clears his throat, "Yeah. Of course."

"Hey, you should go, to school I mean. Ya know. Bell rings soon," Embry squeezes Jackson's hand as he nods.

"Okay. Rest, get better, or whatever," Jackson laughs awkwardly and walks out of the room.

"He... He was there last night. He-he's a-"

"Mom, that's not him. He was being controlled. He never remembers it. It's not his fault," Embry grabs her moms and hand and leans back. She doesn't want to be in here anymore.

Hey guys Sorry this is late. But when isn't in all honesty.
I watch Infinity War yesterdday. Can I just say, Fuck Thanos man. One of the characters deaths really fucked me over.
But anyways, I feel like things in this story have been a bit slow. idk.
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