chapter three

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Luke, Cassidy and I are now sitting at a table right outside Jamba Juice. It's nice outside, so why not?

I've discovered that Luke moved to L.A. with a friend, from Australia, during his sophomore year of high school and has been best friends with Cassidy ever since. Cassidy has lived here her entire life and doesn't ever want to leave.

I can understand why, L.A. clearly has it's perks - the only bad thing really being traffic. Traffic is terrible here. I know I just got here but from the previous time I was here, it's bad.

Luke has an accent - Australian, of course. I never noticed it until we left the dorm room, maybe I was too distracted by his looks... oops? I've begun to tease him for the way he says things, but I only do it because I think it's very cute.

I really like Luke and Cassidy, we haven't run out of things to talk about and I feel like we could all keep talking for days on end. It's nice to hold a conversation with people besides your parents. I usually avoided them though - "them" being my parents. Partially because they are my parents and I would easily get annoyed with them. So, they would just end up getting pissed at me for my "rude" behavior. But also because my parents aren't people I can easily hold a conversation with. Our conversations were mainly based on my future. The only reason I could handle that topic constantly was the thought of getting away from everything that was familiar to me. But other than that, I found that topic rather boring. I couldn't even watch a TV show with them and talk about it afterwards because they think that everything I watch is "nonsense" and will "fry my brain." That's true in some way but that isn't what I did all the time, so I just don't understand why they can't sit back and relax for a second. They constantly work and go out to fancy formal dinners. I don't even know how they handle all of it, I would get bored of the same thing all the time. Oh wait, I did. 

 "Beth?" Luke says softly looking at me concerned.

"Yeah?" I answer, giving him a confused look. Why was he looking at me like that?

"You just seem out of it, I want to make sure you're okay."

"Oh, sorry." I reply, furrowing my eyebrows. "I'm very well actually, just lost in thought." I flash him a wide smile, showing all my teeth. He does the same and chuckles at me. 

I turn to look at Cassidy and open my mouth to say that I should probably head back to the room to get settled. But before I can get the words out, I stop because I notice she's staring at something. That something was Luke. 

I turned my head, once again, to see him giving his full attention to his phone. He's texting away with his long fingers and when I check again. Cassidy's still looking at him. Is she just thinking or do I sense a little crush here?

Cassidy inhales sharply and I glance back at Luke to see that he's biting his lip. I see where she's coming from with that gasp, he really needs to stop doing that, it's very distracting. All of Luke is distracting. I'm guessing that I will never get used to him and his looks, Cassidy obviously still hasn't and it's been 3 years.

Luke moves his gaze from his phone to back up at us, giving us a smirk when he notices that we both have our attention towards him.

"Don't get all cocky, Hemmings." Cassidy speaks up, smirking back at him.

I laugh but immediately turn it into a cough when Luke gives me a glare. "Okay well I think I better go back to the dorm, I need to get settled." I announce, starting to get up from the table.

"Aw no, please stay Beth, I didn't mean to scare you off." Luke says, putting his right hand over mine, pouting at me. He's too cute.

I move my hand out from under his before standing up fully. "Sorry Luke, we can hang out tomorrow or something?" 

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