chapter five

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Calum's POV

To say I feel bad is an understatement.

I know that her and I weren't the nicest to each other but this is how I am with most people I first meet. I try to be a douche and act like I couldn't give two shits, but in reality, I'm not and I consider myself to be a caring person. I'm not saying this to be cock; I'm saying this because it's true.

God, I don't want her to think that I purposefully did that to her... what do I do? I don't want her to hate me because she is Cassidy's roommate so I know that she'll be around often, especially since Luke can't seem to keep his eyes off of her. And I know for sure he'll try to be around her as much as possible. I'll be having a little talk with him when we get back to our dorm.

Basically I just don't want her to hate me, you know? It's fun to mess around with her and I probably won't ever stop because it's just fun. Well, until someone gets hurt. Bethany didn't get specifically hurt but it was enough for me to regret it even though it was an accident.

Plus, I love seeing the look on her face when I say something inappropriate and her face starts to flush in color. It's also really cute that she always tries to come up with a better come back.

I can still hear Francesca snickering beside me even though Bethany left for the bathroom a few minutes ago. It wasn't even that funny, honestly. I wish she would just leave and stop following me around all the time. It's nice to have to her around every once and a while but usually she's so attached and I hate it. She suffocates me and we're not even in a fucking relationship - we could never be, for that matter. I kind of just want to ditch the bitch but that's too low, even for the 'bad boy' I pretend to be.

"Francesca! Shut up, you're being so immature and rude." I snap at her, sitting back down and putting my head in my hands. If I'm not going to ditch her then I might as well just tell her to shut up. Luckily, she stops laughing and I couldn't be more thankful.

That sounds bad but it wasn't even an appropriate time to laugh and her laugh is one of the most horrendous sounds. I feel bad for her in a way. She doesn't seem to have many friends, only guys she throws herself at. But that is her decision, so I shouldn't really feel bad.

About 5 minutes later, I hear laughter and glance up to find that it's from Bethany and Cassidy. Bethany looks so much happier than I would expect her to look - happier than she did when she was walking towards Francesca and I with Luke and Cassidy by her sides. I can't help but wonder, why? Why does she look so happy when I spilt water all over her minutes ago? Hopefully this means that she isn't mad at me and we can just forget this whole incident ever happened.

"Hey Beth, I think I have a shirt in my car you can wear or we can go just go back to the dorms... your choice." Luke says, clearly concerned for her by the way he rushed to her side in a matter of seconds. Like damn Luke, slow down, it was just water. 

"I'll just wear your shirt, it would suck if we left when I haven't even gotten the chance to beat your asses!" She smirks, letting her eyes take a quick glimpse at me. 

"Okay, cool." Luke says to Bethany before turning to us. "We'll be right back." He links arms with Bethany and starts walking towards the exit. 

Bethany's POV

"Here you go." Luke says as he closes the trunk to his car.

"Thank you for letting me borrow it." I reply, smiling at him as he puts the soft shirt in my hands.

"No problem." He says, keeping his blue eyes on me. "You can change in the backseat if you want. I'll just wait here, unless you want to go back to the bathroom." 

"I guess I could." I mumble, walking over to the car and opening the door. "No peaking!" I yell before shutting the door. I quickly take off my cold, wet shirt and put on the green flannel. I leave 2 buttons from the top undone, so it looks more casual. After folding my previously worn shirt, I hop out of the car only to find Calum waiting for me. 

"Um, hi." He mutters, shoving his hands in his pockets. 

"Uh, where's Luke?" I ask, leaning over slightly to glance at the entrance. 

"He went back inside. I told him I needed to talk to you." 



We stand there staring at each other before I break the silence. "So are you gonna talk or...?" I question, slightly annoyed.

"Oh yeah." He nervously chuckles, stepping closer to me. "Look, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to spill that water on you. It may have seem like I did it on purpose but I swear I didn't. I know we didn't get off to the best start but I want a redo, I guess."

I nod, slightly biting down on my lip. "It's okay. I figured that you didn't do it intentionally. Sorry that I got so pissed off about it at first." I respond, laughing lightly. 

"It's all good. I understand why you did. I just hoped you wouldn't stay mad at me because I know you're gonna be around and I would rather have you not hate me."

"I feel."

"Oh and sorry about Francesca, she's kind of a bitch." 

"It's fine, I can be a bitch too." I say. Calum laughs, moving around me to lock Luke's car. 

He turns back around and I stick my hand out towards him. He looks down at my hand then back up at me clearly confused. "You wanted a redo, didn't you?" His confused expression slowly disappears as he nods.

"Well, I'm Bethany Lockett." 

"Calum Hood." He responds, reaching for my hand. And instead of shaking it, he brings it up to his lips and presses his plump lips to the surface. He pulls away with a smirk displayed on his face. 

"Don't make me regret this." I utter under my breath, slightly blushing. 

"Oh don't worry babe, you won't." He confidently says, winking at me before pulling me back towards the bowling alley. 


ahhh thank you for 1k reads! it really means a lot even though that probably seems like a low number. i was excited for this update since some of it was in cal's pov :-) but i'm sorry it was so short, they will start getting longer soon! oh and if i don't say the pov then that means it's bethany's but yeah, i hope you have a nice week x

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