chapter eight

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Last night was crazy - well it was crazy in my opinion. I don't even know what happened. All I remember is that we got drunk, I made out with Luke and then we took a taxi back to campus which lead to us passing out on Luke's bed.

And that's where I am now...on Luke's bed, staring at him, as he snores away mumbling occasionally about nacho cheese. I don't know why he's talking about nacho cheese in his sleep but it's fucking weird.

"What are you doing here?" A raspy voice asks me as I turn over to no longer face Luke. I am met with a pair of big brown eyes staring at me from the bed opposite of Luke's.

"Um... wait, what?" I ask. I was so startled by his presence that I forgot what he asked in the first place.

"Why are you in Luke's bed?" Calum responds, gesturing to the sight in front of him.

"Oh, uh we came back from the club last night and just passed out I guess." I say while removing the covers from myself before standing up. I walk over to the full-length mirror leaned against the wall. Surprisingly, I don't look too bad. My eyeliners smudged a lot but that's about it. Good thing I didn't get completely shit-faced last night, or I would have the worst hangover. I've never had a hangover (obviously) but I've heard about them and I don't really want to experience one for myself.

"So you guys didn't do anything?" He questions hesitantly. I look at him with question through the mirror while pulling my hair into a messy bun.

He's laying in bed with his comforter only covering up to his waist, turned over on his side with his head propped up in his hand. His hair is tousled from him rolling around in his sleep. And he looks so damn cute, I have to stop myself from going all heart-eyed at the sight.

"We didn't do" I say as I spin around to face him, putting an emphasis on 'do' and basically mumbling 'here', hoping he won't notice.

"Here? What do you mean?" He asks quickly.

Should I tell him?

I play with my fingers as if they're the most interesting things at the moment, debating whether or not he should know. I glance over at Luke, his head is turned to no longer face the wall and I can see the drool stain on his pillow. A small smile is spreads across my face before I open my mouth to tell Calum. Luke will probably end up telling him, so I might as well just do it already.

"Luke and I may or may not have made out last night." I say, biting my lip in anticipation for Calum's reaction. I'm not sure if he's gonna get jealous or brush it off but I'm kinda hoping he gets a bit jealous.

"Wait, woah. What?" He responds. His eyes widen and he leans forward as if he didn't hear correctly.

"Well, Luke and I touched a lot... swapped spit..." I reply with a shrug. Calum's jaw drops and let me tell you right now, if we were outside I swear a fly would just fly right in. I mean he does have a nice tongue so who wouldn't wanna chill on there for a bit?

"You can't just do that! He probably thinks you like him now." Calum says, rolling his eyes.

"What if I do?" I question, even though I already know I don't. It's annoying how Calum has to assume things when he barely knows me. Yeah, we are friends now but we haven't talked since the night at the bowling alley. I don't like Luke more than a friend - at least I don't think I do. We were just having fun and I hope he doesn't think anything more of it.

"You what? Yo-" Calum immediately starts saying before getting interrupted by a loud thump. We look over to see a very distraught Luke looking up at the two of us.

"Beth? What are you still doing here?" Luke tiredly asks me, sitting up in the process.

"We both passed out last night after we came back and I woke up not too long ago. I'm gonna get going though, Cassidy's probably wondering where I am." I lightly laugh, walking over to the door. "Text me later, okay?"

"Oh yeah, okay." Luke responds. A smile spreads across his face, showing his dimples, as he sleepily waves goodbye.

I reach for the door knob and open the door, turning back around and waving. Calum doesn't do anything except lay back down and stare at the ceiling. I shut the door behind me and start walking towards my dorm.

I don't get why Calum was almost upset over the fact that I made out with Luke. It's really none of his business. I know that Luke is his roommate and best friend but that doesn't mean he can tell me what I can and can't do. 

As I reach out to knock on my dorm's door, a guy with lilac hair opens it from the other side. And instead of walking out and bumping right into me, he looks up. His hair is sticking up in all directions, and as I stare at his hair I realize that I saw him walk by last night only to see Cassidy following him. 

"Hey." He says, smirking as he eyes me up and down. 

"Hey..." I softly reply. I look behind him to see if Cassidy's in the room but I don't see anyone there. Where could she be? And why did she leave this guy with cool purple hair in our room? 

"Do you live here?" 


"Cassidy will be right back, she went to the bathroom." 

"Okay, thanks for telling me."

"Yeah, anytime." He says, dragging out the last word.

I step forward to walk into the room and accidentally brush the side of his arm. "Whoops, s-sorry." I stutter, turning back around. I was surprised when I heard myself stutter but then I took a second look at the guy in front of me. He looks pretty fucking intimidating, he could probably beat me or anyone else to a pulp in a second. I mean his hair looks sick but who just dyes their hair purple? 

"It's all good." He chuckles. "Anyways, I'm Michael. Michael Clifford. And I've heard that you're Bethany." I nod my head in reply. He licks his chapped lips and turns away from me, "I hope we get to know each other better, Bethany. See ya around." And with that, he's gone.

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