chapter six

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Classes still haven't started yet, it's been a few days since my arrival and I honestly haven't done much in that time.

Cassidy and I haven't spent much time apart since I got here and I'm very thankful for that. It's nice to finally have someone to talk to. I mean, I know I haven't known her for long but I'm pretty sure I can and will always be able to go to her for anything.

Luke and I have hung out a few times and gotten to know him much better. He's a sweetheart but definitely has a dorky side to him.

But other than that I've just been settling in and walking around campus frequently to get familiar with it.

I haven't seen Calum around though, which is kind of disappointing. After we agreed to start over, bowling was pretty interesting. Calum decided to help me in the same way Luke did and for some reason Luke wasn't happy about it. I found the whole thing hilarious though since Calum did the same thing when Luke helped me. Somehow Cassidy rolled her ball backwards and almost knocked Luke out with it, it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. I still laugh when I think about it.

And I'm pretty sure I did win but Calum says I cheated... He thinks that he helped me a little too much so apparently we're gonna play again soon and I'm not allowed to get help from anyone. Does he honestly think I need help to beat him? Puh-lease. I could whoop his ass in bowling any day.

Cassidy and I are currently sat outside Jamba Juice, learning more about each other and I can't help but wonder about her and Luke. I understand that they're best friends but does Cassidy want to be more than that? Does Luke? I never asked Cassidy how she felt about Luke the day I saw her pretty much starting at him. So why not ask now?

"Hey Cass?"


"What do you think of Luke?"

"What do you mean?" 

"Like do you want to be more than friends with him?" 

"Oh, uh, no?" She responds. I can tell she's lying though, the way her voice became high pitched definitely gives it away. 

"Mhm, sure." I say, smirking at her while taking a sip of my drink.

"Okay, well I just don't know. Luke has been a big part of my life for a while. We're incredibly close and we go to each other for anything... that's just the way it's always been. I don't want my feelings to ruin our  relationship and make things weird, you know? It's too much to risk and I would be absolutely crushed if my relationship with Luke changed for the worse." She explains. "Why? Is it really that obvious?" 

"No, it's not! Trust me. I just saw you staring at him a few days ago and it didn't seem like you zoned out. I was pretty sure you were actually staring at him... so it got me thinking." I reply, assuring her that it wasn't obvious at all.

"Oh, yeah I kinda do that. But I'm pretty sure everyone does. Luke's just really attractive, it's hard not to stare." She states nonchalantly. "Hey, when's your birthday?" She asks, using her straw to stir her drink around. 

"August 20th." I respond with wide eyes. I totally forgot. I guess after I got on the flight it slipped my mind. It doesn't bother me much but Cassidy will probably wonder why I never told her. 

"WHAT? Wasn't that the day you got here?" She questions, clearly surprised that I never mentioned it. 

"Yeah. Sorry I never told you. I forgot and it's not even a big deal, honestly." I reply.

"Of course it is! I'm calling Luke. We're gonna have some fun tonight and I'm not taking no for an answer." She states, already taking out her phone and bringing it to her ear. 


Somehow I ended up in a long sleeve black dress that has white stripes going up the sides, with a low scoop neckline, that only reaches my mid-thigh. The sleeves are sheer mesh and because of the stripes it creates the illusion that I have an hourglass shaped body. I applied foundation, mascara, red lipstick and cat eye eyeliner. I've worn this dress to multiple occasions that my parents have forced me to go to. I didn't mind getting dressed up for them because it's always exciting to get dolled up, in my opinion.

Cassidy's wearing a plain black dress that reaches her mid-thigh with a portion of her lower back exposed. She wasn't sure if she should wear foundation or not but she decided to in the end, adding winged eyeliner, mascara, and a light-pink lip-gloss. 

Cassidy told me that we're going to a club. I don't know how we're going to get in but I trust her that we won't get caught. She told me that Calum has connections and has gone there plenty of times so there's nothing to worry about. This means that Calum's going, which I am somewhat excited for - who knows, he could make it a more memorable time.

I sit down on the corner of my bed and put on my Steve Madden black lace up boots, standing immediately after to get used to the height difference. I am excited to say the least but nervous at the same time. We will obviously be drinking and I've never been drunk before so hopefully everything goes well. Luke and Calum are supposed to be coming to our dorm. It's about 9:00 PM and I'm guessing their arrival should be any second. I must've been was right because someone's knocking on the door.

I open the door to find none other than Calum Hood leaning against the wall with his signature smirk plastered on his face as he looks me up and down. 

"Hey B. Ready to have a kick-ass night?"

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