chapter four

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"Oh so you're Calum?"

He scoffs, "Yeah, is that a problem sweetie?"

"No it's not a problem, I just thought you would be different that's all."

He laughs arrogantly and swings his arm over Francesca's shoulder. Francesca didn't even bother to introduce her self; she's clearly too busy throwing herself onto Calum. I cough then mutter under my breath, "Slut." I cover my mouth once I realize what I had said, I don't think anyone heard though so that's good. I guess I was wrong because Luke seems to have heard my comment. He laughed then pulled out his car keys and started walking towards the parking lot in which his car is parked.

On the way to his car, Cassidy tells me that she'll sit in the back with Calum and Francesca, since we didn't really get off to a good start. Thank god for her.

We walk up to a black range rover; Luke unlocks the car and hops into the driver's seat. I, on the other hand, just stand there as Cassidy get's into the back after Francesca and Calum. She looks up at me and says, "Come on." I hesitate but open the door to the passenger's seat and climb in, buckling my seat belt as Luke goes to turn on the car.

The drive over is fairly short; it only took about 5 minutes.

"Have you ever been bowling?" Luke asks, shoving his hands in his pockets as we wait in line to get bowling shoes.

"Does bowling on the Wiii count?" I reply, embarrassed that I actually haven't done something as simple as bowling.

He laughs and shakes his head at me, biting down on his lip.

We finally come to the front of the line and the guy behind the desk announces that we'll be on Lane 26. "Shoe sizes?"

I spoke first, muttering that I'm an 8. Calum chuckles beside me, I look over at him with my eyebrows raised, "What?"

"Nothing... you just have big feet." Calum replies, slightly smirking at me.

I gasp in response, not sure how to reply. "I do not."

"Yeah you do. It's okay, no need to be in denial, babe." He says, lightly patting me on the shoulder.

"Shut up before I shove my 'big foot' up your fat ass." I scoff, smirking right back at him.

He seems to be stunned at my response and I don't blame him. I didn't expect that to come out of my mouth either.

I guess he wasn't as stunned as I thought he was because he quickly comes up with a sly response, "Oh, so you were staring at my ass?" He says, smirking at me, once again.

The guy behind the desk hands me my shoes, I take them politely and walk over to Lane 26, with Calum and Luke following behind me. I sit down to take off my white high top converse and put on the old, rugged bowling shoes. We all picked our bowling balls and placed them on the ball return.

Luke has already entered our names so now they're on the screen. The order is: Cassidy, Luke, Me, Calum, Francesca. Cassidy got two strikes right away, as did Luke. Both of them received high fives from all of us, well except from Francesca. She was too busy on her phone, doing who knows what. I don't even understand why she's here, I know Calum was with her but she doesn't seem to really want to be here and she's been nothing but rude this entire time.

Anyways, now it's my turn. I get up, wiping my sweaty palms on my pants as I walk over the retrieve my bowling ball. Luke turns to me before sitting down, "Do you want me to help you?" He says softly. I nod my head slowly, unsure if he can be much help to me. I place my fingers in the three holes provided in the ball, lifting the ball up and using my left hand to support my right.

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